4 things you still don't know about sex

Let’s face it; most of us don’t pay much attention to sexual education classes. Back then, it was just the perfect chance to embarrass the teacher by asking awkward questions. So, it’s understood that we assume many myths to be true. And your friends add fuel to the fire by exaggerating all the wrong things, which are scientifically/physically impossible. And if as an adult you feel that you are mister-know-it-all — you are still wrong. Here are four things you probably yet don’t know about sex:

Sex during periods cannot lead to pregnancy

As much as you want to throw off that condom and enjoy unprotected sex on this so-called safe day, think again! Generally, most women don’t get pregnant during periods; but a woman’s reproductive cycle is as unpredictable as her mood swings. Some women have very short reproductive cycles, which means they may ovulate just 3-4 days after their periods. Sperm can live upto 72 hours (sometimes more) in the reproductive tract. So yes, chances are rare — but it can happen, Daddy!

Size doesn’t matter

Oh, who are you kidding! It does — but not the way you think. Research shows that most women prefer men with smaller penises. The reason — it’s less painful to have intercourse as compared to the ones who are generously overloaded down there. It is the first two inches of a woman’s vagina that is very sensitive. Anything elongated might hinder pleasure.

Erectile dysfunction impacts only older men

Older men do, indeed, have a higher risk of erectile dysfunction. However, this problem is not limited to seniors. Men as early as in their 20s and 30s suffer from ED. Root causes of ED in a younger age include diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular problems, or smoke. One is never really too old or young to seek medical help.

Oral sex is safe

Wrong again! Yes, oral sex is not 100% safe — you can still get STIs or sexually transmitted infections and diseases — it is always risky like unprotected vaginal sex. Unprotected sex puts you at risk of a range of diseases. Some of these include:

  • Chlamydia
  • Syphilis
  • Gonorrhea
  • Hepatitis B
  • Genital herpes
  • Genital warts

All of these are easily transmitted via oral sex. Latex condoms and dental dams are the best devices to reduce the risk of diseases spreading during oral sex. It is best not to perform oral sex when you have a cut or sores in the mouth. Doing so means that you are directly putting germs in the genitals of your partner. While the pleasure aspect cannot be denied, it is best to exercise caution when having oral sex.

Keep in mind, while sex is the most natural thing in the world — you have to stay a little alert about sexual matters. You can always consult your physician when in doubt. You can get accurate, precise, and reliable information from them rather than your friends.

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