6 Effective Ayurvedic Remedies For Hair Fall And Hair Regrowth

Dreaming about the perfect gym body, we forgot how essential micronutrients are in maintaining a healthy body. Packaged and easy-to-cook food products, skim milk, low-fat cheese and oil, blind us.

When we were young, we ate delicious homemade foods, with a high nutritional value without thinking about the amount of sugar, carbohydrates or fat we are consuming. But today we restrict ourselves from having a piece of Gajak in winters because we are told its unhealthy as it has sugar/jaggery.

However, we gladly have the so-called digestive biscuits that are loaded with sugar and trans fat but told to be healthy.

This is one of the critical reasons for not having thick, long and lustrous hair as in the way it had before. The custom of having certain traditional foods in a particular season has a deeper requirement than just taste.

So, how can we apply this to reduce hair loss?

1. Head Massage with Essential Oils

In Ayurveda, oil massage has been given the most important thing to improve and maintain good hair quality. Head massage with essential oils reduces hair loss, increases blood circulation of the scalp, contributes to the proliferation of hair follicles, ensures hair treatment and strengthens hair roots so that hair grows well and fast. Besides, the head massage promotes stress reduction and relaxation. It prevents dandruff and makes hair grow strong and healthy.

The oil prepared from Bringharaj, also known as fake daisy, is very useful for growth and for reducing hair greying. Sesame oil during winter and coconut oil in summer should be used to massage. Mix 5 drops of rosemary oil, 3 drops of carrot seed oil, 3 drops of geranium oil, 6 drops of jojoba oil, 15 ml of cider vinegar, 50 ml rose water, 50 ml water. Wash the hair with shampoo and partially dry it with a cloth.

Then drop a few drops of the mixture and massage your scalp and hair. Place the remaining mixture in a cosmetic container in the refrigerator.

Shake the container before the next application. Apply regularly for a significant effect.

Application Method 2:

Mix a base oil such as coconut, almonds, olive or castor oil with a few drops of rosemary oil. Massage the scalp and hair. Let it work for 3 hours and then rinse with shampoo.

Use twice a week.

2. Food items to take

According to Ayurveda, the health of our hair is associated with our bones, nails and teeth. So if your hair is falling, your bones, nails and teeth are also likely to be affected. Hence, it is crucial to understand the severity of hair loss.

If you are suffering severe hair loss, it's time you check your thyroid, vitamin D, calcium, iron and vitamin B12.

White sesame seeds are full of nutrients such as copper, magnesium, zinc, vitamin B1 and amino acids. Either have a teaspoon every day in the morning or add it to your food to experience the benefits.

Now you know why I talked about Gajak before? Both sesame seeds and jaggery help recover our dry scalp and brittle hair in winter. Omega-3 fatty acids treat dry scalp, dandruff, itching and hair texture damage by making hair more elastic. These fatty acids are found in foods such as nuts, salmon, soy, sardines and flax seeds.

Adding fruits such as bananas and dried fruits such as Kaju (cashews), figs and raisins in your diet balances the magnesium, zinc and iron requirements in your body. This way, you can maintain a healthy body, skin and hair.

3. Fenugreek

Fenugreek is an effective remedy for hair loss. Promotes rapid hair growth. Fenugreek contains protein and nicotinic acid, which contributes to the formation of hair follicles.

Application Method:

  • Soak the fenugreek seeds overnight in water.
  • Next day grind the seeds.
  • Apply to the head and massage in.
  • Pull a shower cap and let it act for 40 minutes.
  • Wash your hair well with shampoo.

4. Anutailam

Anutailam, an Ayurvedic nose drop available in Ayurvedic stores, can be very useful in treating hair loss if used every night. Use 2 drops in each nostril two or three times a week.

Anutailam is most effective during spring and the rainy season. It improves the sense of smell and relieves neck stiffness. It not only reduces hair fall but also helps prevent baldness and early greying of hair.

5. Superfood: Amla, the Indian gooseberry

Amla (Indian gooseberry) is the superfood, which is the most potent remedy against ageing. Mix Amla juice with warm water in the morning and also use its powder as a hair mask for better hair growth.

Last but not least, have meals that are full of nutrients and make you feel happy. If you're glad, chances are you handle stress better. And less stress will lead to less hair loss.

6. Pride of India for the pride of your hair

Melia azedarach, commonly known by many names including Pride of India and Chinaberry is one of the best Ayurvedic remedies against many health and beauty problems. Its extract has antibacterial, antifungal, antiseptic and sedative effects that effectively cures hair loss, inflammation of the scalp and other skin problems.

Application Method:

  • Soak 1 cup of crushed Niembaum leaves in 6 cups of water for 5 minutes.
  • Let cool and rinse the hair with water.
  • Repeat 1-2 times a week.

Other than the above mentioned ayurvedic remedies, drink enough water daily and eat lots of fruits and vegetables, for healthy and lustrous hair growth.

Medically reviewed by Rishabh Verma, RP

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