7 stages of the Norwood scale for male pattern baldness- explained

Baldness is one thing that most are afraid of and never wishes to face in life. Experts use the Norwood scale to measure the level of male pattern baldness. It characterizes the phases of male pattern hairlessness on a scale of 1 to 7.

The scale assists specialists in making an exact finding and distinguishes the best treatment alternatives.

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James Hamilton developed the Norwood scale in 1950. Dr.O'Tar Norwood then essentially improved this scale during the 1970s.

Stage 1

Extremely minor or no downturn of the hairline, along these lines there is no requirement of treatment. Except if one has a family ancestry of hair loss, there is no compelling reason to stress. On the off chance that there is a family lineage of male hair sparseness, one might need to screen the circumstance intently and choose the appropriate time for treatment.

Stage 2

This stage includes balding in triangular and commonly balanced territories of a downturn at the fleeting front area. Balding stays in front of a line a few centimetres before the ears. Hair falls and may turn out to be less thick in the focal front piece of the scalp. Starting indications of hair sparseness may become apparent.

Stage 3

This stage speaks to the most reduced degree of male pattern baldness believed adequate to be called hair loss as indicated by Norwood. Most scalps at this stage have a profoundly balanced downturn appearing at the sanctuaries that are uncovered or just meagerly secured by the hair. With three vertexes, the crown included, as is a typical event with progressing age. Male pattern baldness is basically from the vertex with the constrained downturn of the front worldly hairline.

Stage 4

The downturn at the transient front zones is more severe than arrange 3. There is a conclusive absence of hair on the crown. A band of respectably thick hair reaching out over the top isolates the two regions of balding between front fleeting and crown. This band connects between the hair secured territories on the head.

Stage 5

At point 5 male pattern baldness at the vertex locale is as yet isolated from the fleeting front area yet the division is considerably less particular. The band of hair reaching out over the crown is observably smaller and more slender. Balding at the vertex and fleeting front districts are large. At a bird's eye view, stages 5 to 7 show the rest of the hair along the edges and back as an unmistakable horseshoe shape.

Stage 6

The scaffold of hair that once crossed the crown now lost leaves scanty hair remaining. The front fleeting and vertex areas now presently joined into one region. Male pattern baldness on the sides has broadened further.

Stage 7

This stage is the most severe or developed type of male pattern baldness. Just a thin band of hair in a horseshoe shape makes due on the sides and back of the scalp. This hair might be fine and less thick than previously. At the scruff of the neck, the hair is scanty with a semi hover over the two ears.

Medically reviewed by Rishabh Verma, RP

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