Aswagandha- the adaptogen and immunity booster

Apart from being an extremely beneficial ayurvedic herb, Ashwagandha is also one of the three medicinal ingredients that was cleared for clinical trials in the wake of the COVID-19 crisis. It’s reliability as an adaptogen and an immunity booster has only grown, ever since.

For somebody who is unfamiliar with the nitty gritties of Ayurvedic science and its vast outreach, how can Ashwagandha be understood better? It’s botanical name is Withania somnifera. What makes it special is the presence of withanolides that are naturally occurring steroids. The term Ashwagandha is derived from common perception that its roots resemble the smell of a horse. Moreover, its consumption is said to provide ‘horse-like’ power and vigour.

Ashwagandha’s benefits are vast so here’s a summed up version that is very much adapted to day modern day lifestyles:

  • Immunity today is paramount. With the globe facing a lockdown like we have never witnessed before, it is essential to keep our body’s ability to fight diseases intact. Ashwagandha is known to enhance immunoglobulin, enhancing a body’s immune response to infections of various kinds.
  • The extracts of the root and leaf of Ashwagandha are particularly helpful in maintaining blood sugar levels. Research suggests that it can prevent the increase of glucose in one’s body and their insulin resistance too. To keep these factors in check is necessary for the avoidance of diabetes among individuals.
  • Living in stressful times can make one feel anxious, uncertain and low. The interlinkages between mental and physical health are deep-rooted and can have a bearing on one’s overall well being. More than we think. A popular journal recently conducted a study in which participants consumed Ashwagandha for a fixed duration of 12 weeks. Once the time elapsed, about 55% of the sample experienced a drastic reduction in their anxiety levels. Moreover, they testified that their concentration levels, awareness and vitality had faced an increase. These findings are particularly advantageous as popular anxiety medication like anti-depressants have peripheral side effects such as drowsiness, insomnia and the loss of appetite, to name a few.

Putting the heavy stuff aside, Ashwagandha is a renowned aphrodisiac. Not just for men, but also for women! The arousal, lubrication and orgasm stages of sex, for women, were seen to improve exponentially through its use. In addition, it is known to increase sperm counts and overall testosterone levels among men. If you want to know where you stand, feel free to take the Misters sex quiz.

However, just like any other supplement, it is important to consume Ashwagandha in its right proportion. To know about its dosage, click here.

Medically reviewed by Rishabh Verma, RP

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