What hormones cause hair loss in men?

Hair loss has become one of the perennial health problems in men. No matter the age, chances are high that, sooner or later you might end up bidding adieu to your luscious locks. Hair loss owes its existence to a lot of factors, like stress, modern life problems, and even modern age lifestyles. Couple these up with hormonal issues and you have a big problem on your hands (well, on your head in this case). Either way, no matter the cause, the main underlying hormone dihydrotestosterone, commonly known as DHT, is the main culprit at work here.

Let’s discuss this in detail and see what hormones are responsible for causing hair loss in men. DHT – good cop or bad cop? Dihydrotestosterone or DHT is a male steroid hormone that is responsible for causing baldness in men. Being a byproduct of testosterone, DHT can block the new growth of hair and cause the existing ones to stop growing. Hence, this eventually translates into hair thinning, and even hair loss. DHT is found within men’s dermal papilla cells, and these are the androgen receptors responsible for binding DHT.

While DHT conversion is one thing, the number of androgens being produced and your hair’s susceptibility to androgens are all equally important for keeping a check on hair loss. As a practice, hair loss can be passed on through the generations as well. As soon as testosterone starts getting converted into DHT, chances are you won’t get to keep your hair locks for very soon. The higher the DHT presence within your body, the quicker your hair will fall and give way to a bald patch(es).

What happens if you have bucketloads of DHT in your body? Excess of any hormone is bad for the human body. Similarly, too much of DHT presence in your body will have a variable effect on men and women alike. While hair loss is just one of the main issues of excessive DHT, nevertheless, it can prove to be a dealbreaker for many people.

Should You Block DHT?

If you are beginning to feel hair loss, you can take the required medicines to block DHT production. The sooner you take medication, the better the results would be in the long run. Please consult a doctor to understand the best possible solutions for hair loss and the ways to treat it. Some other things to look out for hair loss DHT is not the only responsible hormone behind hair loss.

People suffering from hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism might also experience hair loss, and an overdose of this hormone might further speed up the conversion of testosterone into DHT. Either way, thyroid hormones can wreak havoc on your hair follicles, if it remains untreated for long periods of time. Did you know? Overdoses of Vitamin A can also be responsible for triggering hair loss. The daily dose for Vitamin A is set at 5,000 International Units (IU) for adults, while it ranges between 2,500 to 10,000 IU for kids. If you are exceeding this numbers, chances are you might end up losing your precious hair strands eventually.

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