Erectile Dysfunction: Discussing with your partner will help

Erectile Dysfunction (ED), a condition in which a man is unable to maintain an erection for sexual intercourse, can cause stress to the partners. Generally, men avoid discussing their sexual problems with anyone. However, making your partner aware that you are going through ED can save your relationship.

Let's discuss how your partner can be a support system in curing your Erectile Dysfunction:

1) Involve your partner in your treatment process:

She may get afraid, or she may be anxious, but after all, she is your wife. Give her the confidence that you shall overcome your problem with the right treatment options suggested by your doctor and her moral support.

2) Meet your doctor in her presence:

At times, we may become too emotional that we tend to forget sharing important information about our problem. Your partner/wife may remember what you might have forgotten to share with your doctor about the patterns of your erectile dysfunction and how it is affecting your life.

3) Help her gain a better understanding of your condition:

While you are discussing with the doctor, your partner may be able to understand the cause of erectile dysfunction, what she can expect from the treatment options and how she can support you in a better way.

4) Visit a sex therapist or relationship expert:

Your partner may or may not share how she feels because she may not want to hurt you in the treatment process. So, if there are any unresolved issues in both of your minds about sexual intimacy, visiting a relationship expert or sex therapist can be of help. Discussing with the therapist about how you both would like to take the relationship forward can prevent any emotional damage to both the partners.

Know that a healthy sexual relationship is just not limited to physical intimacy. You and your partner may become emotionally vulnerable at any point of time in the entire treatment process. At such moments, trust yourself and shower all your love to the partner. Encourage your partner to be more authentic with her feelings. You can find pleasure even in small sensual activities like taking a hot bubble bath, dancing in the rain, enjoying a hot coffee in a cafe, making each other's favourite meals etc.

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