Everyday tips and remedies for a healthy penis

An itchy penis can put you in more embarrassing situations than one. Imagine being on the dance floor with your date and having the uncontrollable urge to scratch your penis. If not cared for, even your Zizi can get affected by infections or start giving you trouble. Keeping your penis healthy will also ensure you stay away from troubles between sheets.
Tips to keep your penis healthy
Yes, you regularly wash your penis. But that is not enough! You must follow an intimate care routine to preserve the health of your family jewels. And we are sure that most of you do not pay much attention. It is essential to take care of your penis, not just for your well-being but also that of your partner. Here's how to do it!
Choose underwear made from natural materials: Cotton underwear is your best ally as it is comfortable and allows your Zizi to breathe better. It will also absorb sweat and prevent you from scratching in public.
Use non-alcoholic products to soothe it: Apply a little sweet almond oil or a simple cream, without perfume, before the shower to relieve it in case of problems like dryness or pain due to excessive usage. In case of fungus, it is advisable to use vinegar diluted in water or yoghurt. These natural methods nevertheless remain to be verified.
Do not shave the area: From a hygienic point of view, shaving the hair in the pubic region is not suitable for the skin, which is also very fine. The best thing is to cut them or go for a beard trimmer.
Use a mild soap to clean your penis: Rather than investing in fancy products, use a gentle shower gel or soap. Do not lather your penis more than once a day at the risk of drying out the delicate and soft skin of your penis. And if you are not circumcised, remember to decode!
Maintain sexual health of the penis
Here are a few home remedies to ensure that your little man rises and shines when needed.
Saffron and milk: It may sound like a cliché, but this combination can help address premature ejaculation. Thanks to the phosphorus, iron, and zinc content in saffron consuming it regularly will keep you in good health.
Ginger and honey: You can even opt for ginger-infused honey or honey-flavored ginger. Both these ingredients are known to increase sexual desire and improving blood flow for better erections.
Stop the excesses: A significant consumption of porn movies and abusive masturbation or the abuse of alcohol and tobacco can turn your virile machine into a real marshmallow. If you want to use it for a long time and perform well in bed, do not overdo it!
Last but not least, to protect your penis from fungi and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs), if you or your partner have not tested, using condoms is essential.