Great hair hacks to hide male pattern baldness

Every day we lose hair, maybe up to 100 to 150 strands a day. They fall out, then eventually grow back in, and the cycle continues. But, unfortunately, for some people, especially men as they get older, the process of regrowth of hair stops. Anyone can experience hair loss, but it's more common in men. Most men, especially after 35 years, start experiencing significant hair loss.

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Genes, a family history of baldness and sex hormones are the main culprits causing severe hair loss in men. Male pattern baldness occurs when the hair follicle (cavity or a gland) shrinks over time, resulting in shorter hair. These glands restrict the growth of the hair. Some men leave hair loss problems untreated while others cover it up with makeup, hats, hairstyles and so on. And still, others choose to opt for expensive treatments to prevent hair loss and to restore growth.

We have curated a list of hacks that can easily mask your male pattern baldness. Check them out!

Get a Pompadour

Well, this is one of the simplest ways to cover that monk-like bald patch at the crown of your head. A pompadour hairstyle flips your hair back towards the crown of your head and creates height at the front. This visual- trick hairstyle covers the thinning area at the back of your head with your front hair.

Stop using harmful hair products:

Most men, attempt to treat hair loss, using different brands of shampoos and conditioners. These products do work, but the hack here is to choose a product that works for you. We are often attracted to shampoos that smell good and create lather. These properties are a result of certain chemicals that may have harmful effects on your hair. So, it is highly advisable to avoid heavy hair products that have high chemical content such as hair gels. Instead, one can use hair sprays or hair mousse, which are less harmful.

Style with accessories:

Yet another best way to overcome male pattern baldness by covering your bald spot with different accessories like beanie caps, Panama hats, flat caps or using a baseball or cricket cap. These accessories also protect your hair from dust pollution and other elements present in the environment that cause hair loss.

Be Bold, Go Bald:

Flaunt your baldness with pride, just like the two famous Hollywood actors, The Rock and Vin Diesel in the movie "The Fast and Furious." When the reason for male pattern baldness is hereditary, then expensive surgeries like hair transplant surgery or a scalp micro-pigmentation are the only effective treatment options available. Unfortunately, these surgeries don't promise 100% results in some cases. So, the best way is to flaunt your baldness.

Say yes to short hair:

Baldness becomes more visible and gets noticed more when you have long hair. So, keeping the length of your hair short is an excellent hack to cover the bald spot. Make sure you do not trim your hair too short, which makes the bald sport more visible. Instead, go for a length that allows you to flip your hair back towards the bald spot.

All the hacks mentioned above are quite simple and easy to follow that can help you hide your male pattern baldness. But, make sure you also choose to follow a healthy lifestyle and take good care of your hair. Having a word with a professional hairstylist and barber who knows what your needs are is also essential.

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