5 effective hair loss remedies for men

I remember reading a survey which asked, would you go bald for a Lamborghini and 80% of men responded NO ( Well! I guess the rest 20% were exceptions). Who doesn’t love to have a great mane? The shiny strands add a completely different look to your personality, but on and often it’s seen that men suffer more from hair fall issues in comparison to their opposite gender. Everyone looks for a way out. So, today we are here to help you with the same. Let’s discuss a few remedies to fight this issue.

Scalp Massage:

Moving on, let’s start with the fundamental strategies. Hairfall generally occurs because hair gets weaker from the roots as their follicles are undernourished. To prevent this type of scenario, one can massage their head with various nutrient replenishing oils. These oils seep in the follicles and stimulate hair growth once again. However, it is always advisable to consult your doctor before trying out any new massage oil.

Balanced Diet:

Eat a rainbow! Yes, literally eat the rainbow. One must include various types of fruits and vegetables in their diet. Different food options have different minerals and vitamins in them, which fulfils the supplement requirement of the body. Iron-rich food such as leafy vegetables and protein surplus eggs can be an excellent idea for the daily meal menu.

Reduce Stress:

Often we miss out on this, but this is a significant factor behind the extensive hair fall. Excessive stress can cause weakening of the hair follicle, which in turn can induce hair fall. Although it’s not easy as it sounds but try to minimize stress from your personal and professional domain. To resolve the same, you can go ahead with various options such as yoga or morning exercises. Mediation has also been registered as a sure shot resolution for stress and anxiety.

Family Lineage:

Various external factors induce hair fall in men, but apart from them, one subtle reason which might get overlooked is - genetics. It may happen that your fathers and forefathers would’ve been suffering from the same issue, and now it is passed to you as well. In this scenario, it is wise to go ahead with the doctor’s consultation and pursue proper medication.

Don’t follow the myths:

Your scalp is not your war zone. Hairs are one of the delicate parts of your body; following myths such as brushing your hairs 100 strokes a day can damage your hairs severely. Take small precautions such as towel dry your strands gently, avoid plucking the greys and above all, choose the right shampoo and conditioner for your personal use.

So, that’s it, folks! Follow these pretty simple ways and take care of your beautiful hair. As they say, life’s too short for dull hair, so take care of them and keep rocking!

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