In Defence of Our Tagline | For the Happiness of Men

In the last few weeks we have received some flak for our tagline. Mostly the issue seems to be that our intent, to stand ‘for the happiness of men,’ puts us in the men’s rights corner of the (sometimes vitriolic) gender conversation on the internet. At least that’s what the current round of criticism seems to be based on.

We are not in that corner.

Here is how our position is different:

1. We do not believe that feminism has gone overboard, but we believe that men don’t need to be self-loathing to be feminist-allies.

2. We believe that while patriarchy confers power on men, happiness is a different project.

(We stand for happiness, not power.)

3. We believe that cis men—irrespective of sexual preference—need a new thesis of being. We aspire to be part of the project that helps develop this thesis.

We believe all this, and then some.

We develop and bring to market products that make sex better for men.

We do all of this because we think it is important. Important.

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