Ways to spice-up your sex life after 40
Your sex drive inevitably decreases with age. In both men and women, the common factors resulting in decreased libido are fluctuating hormones, everyday stress, and a gradual decrease in the energy levels as you age. While women tend to lose interest in sex post-childbirth; for men, the sex drive starts to go downhill post 40. This article presents a few ways you can jazz up your sex life.
1) Start from the beginning: If you have been in a relationship for long, it is normal for the passion to fizzle and reach a state of comfort. Rewind to the days when you first met your partner. Start by pretending to be strangers. Woo, your partner, go on a date. Send each other raunchy texts, share bawdy photos, talk dirty with your partner, and engage in little fore plays to build up the anticipation. Getting laid comes more natural when you and your partner are highly strung.
2) 50 Shades of Sex: No one proven formula works in a relationship. If you have been a ‘safe player’ till now, it is time to get adventurous. Go on a shopping spree for sexy lingerie, try new positions in new locations, experiment with sex toys and mutual masturbation, get on with role plays, watch porn together and play sex games to get the juices flowing.
3) Communicate: Emotional barriers between partners is one of the main reasons for low sex drive. Talk to your partner about your likes and dislikes and share your fantasies. Being honest and open about your feelings and expectations can take intimacy to the next level.
4) Stress Busters: Sex is, no doubt, a great stress buster, but everyday stress can bust your sex life. Keeping a check on the anxiety levels can enhance the libido and get your sex life back on track. Keep stress and anxiety at bay by getting adequate sleep and by practicing meditation. Doing the couple-yoga or getting sweaty with your partner doing rigorous exercise not only boosts the sexual desire but is also healthy keeping the stress and anxiety at arm’s length.
5) Use the Kitchen: Kitchen is not only an excellent place to ‘make out,’ but its ingredients can also be used as precursors to great sex. Use any herbal oil to massage your partner and see an increase in both sexual arousal and pleasure. Regular consumption of avocados, citrus fruits, apples, asparagus, watermelons, and fenugreek is known to increase sexual arousal and desire. Also, controlled intake of coffee and red wine can improve overall sexual function.
6) Reconsider the medications: Certain medications are known to decrease the sex drive. If you or your partner are using medications, it is time to consult your doctor to get a clear picture and maybe, if possible, go for a prescription change.
Relationships can go sour for any number of reasons. But if you or your partner feel a decreased sex life is THE reason, then the above methods can surely help you get back in the grove.