Effectiveness of Ketoconazole in hair loss

In the circle of people prone to hair loss, the drug minoxidil is well known. Undoubtedly, minoxidil based on its benefits occupies a leading position in the treatment of baldness. However, when it comes to the health of your hair, it is not practical to be content with only one option to achieve your goal. Therefore, in the fight against hair loss, it is recommended to use additional products. Mostly these are vitamins for hair and specialized shampoos.

Excellent addition to the treatment of baldness and the prevention of hair loss are shampoos with ketoconazole.

How does ketoconazole work?

There are several theories about the role of ketoconazole in the treatment and prevention of hair loss. According to the American Hair Loss Association, in addition to its antifungal properties, it also has antiandrogenic effects. When ingested orally, it inhibits the binding of androgens to receptors in the body, which will include the binding of DHT (dihydrotestosterone) to hair receptors. Ketoconazole has the same effect when applied externally (applied to the skin). In addition to antiandrogenic action, scientists have discovered two more potential mechanisms of action in ketoconazole: a decrease in sebum and a decrease in inflammation of the follicles.

Studies on the effectiveness of ketoconazole as a treatment for hair

The first study was conducted in 1998. The study lasted 21 months, 39 men with baldness aged 21 to 33 years participated in the studies. The period of hair loss in these men was from 2 to 6 years. The subjects were divided into four groups, two groups washed their hair with shampoo with ketoconazole 2% with a frequency of 2-4 times a week, for three to four minutes. The results of the studies showed that the use of shampoo with ketoconazole in an amount of 2% had a positive outcome, comparable with the use of 2% minoxidil. After 21 months, the level of sebum production in the group using shampoo with ketoconazole decreased by 18%. Another study conducted on mice in 2005 confirmed a stimulating effect on hair growth.

The US Department of Health approves ketoconazole shampoo as a treatment for seborrheic dermatitis and dandruff. As described previously, such diseases can directly affect the thickness of the hairline.

Positive dynamics of the action of shampoos with ketoconazole is observed at about 5-6 months of use. However, as with the use of other drugs for the treatment of baldness, the most significant effect of shampoos with ketoconazole will be noticeable in people who are just starting to lose hair. That is, the sooner you understand the problem and begin to fix it, the more hair you can restore and save.

How to use Ketoconazole shampoo?

Apply shampoos with ketoconazole once every three days. It is recommended that you first wash your hair with a regular shampoo to remove the dirt. Then apply and massage ketoconazole shampoo to the hair and scalp using a massaging motion. After 5 minutes, wash the shampoo from the hair and scalp.

Before use, consult your doctor. Side effects of shampoo with ketoconazole are mild itching of the scalp or skin irritation, dry skin and headache. When using a shampoo with 1% ketoconazole, the likelihood of side effects is minimal.

Benefits of Ketoconazole shampoo

The action of zinc pyrithione in the composition of this drug is associated with the anti-inflammatory effect that it has on the epithelium. This substance thus affects the skin cells, which slows down the process of division, and this leads to a decrease in itching and the inflammatory process.

Ketoconazole fights fungal infections directly and has a thick consistency, due to which it can be consumed very economically. At the same time, the production of sebum is normalized, and the structure and regeneration of the scalp are restored.

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