Men's Sexual Wellness | The Role Women Can Play

There is the longstanding stereotype of men not acknowledging vulnerability. It is often the basis of jokes in sitcoms, but in real life it can have more significant effects.

At Misters, given our conversations with thousands of men, we have seen the stereotype come up again and again.

Men find it hard to acknowledge that something could be better in bed. Whether it be about not getting an erection or not being able to maintain one, or feeling like they should last longer, the whole gamut of sexual wellness issues often go unrecognised, sometimes are blamed on the partner, and sometimes, after a brief window of recognition are rationalised away.

All of this obviously impacts relationships adversely.

On the other hand, women are increasingly aware and talk openly about previously stigma ridden issues, such as menstrual health and issues related to ageing such as male ageing.

So, we decided that we will share this blog with women who want their partner men to think through their very personal issues.

  1. Men are often preoccupied with 'size,' even though that hardly matters. This is mostly because from their male friends they have heard exaggerated accounts. So we created this quick self-assessment for them to index their size, and feel reassured.
Index your size

2. The level of testosterone, the male hormone, keeps dropping after early adulthood, and this is linked to seventeen signs of male ageing. Men become more irritable, experience more stress and anxiety, become less strong than they were, experience a decline in libido or sex drive and also a decline in erection function. In this self-assessment, they can quickly review how they are doing with age. In fact, you can also take this assessment on behalf of your man.

Signs of male ageing

3. There are several attributes that make up good sexual wellness. A comprehensive review that helps men understand what might be better, and how, in less than five minutes. Along with any expert advice that they may need, and all of it absolutely free.

Comprehensive review of men's sexual wellness

Any question about sex, answered by those who should have the answers. Absolutely free!
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