Misters, this is the key to a happy sex life after kids

Parenthood is one of the greatest joys known to mankind; it opens the door to a brand-new world that’s full of happiness and emotions. The little bundle of joy changes the lives of parents in unprecedented ways, as it is the kid or kids who become the raison d'être of their lives. With this change comes the reality that parents all over the world experience – Less and less time for intimacy!
In the initial few years when the baby’s existence is solely dependent on its parents, especially the mother, it leaves her too exhausted for even fancying any sexual encounter. However, eventually, responsibilities take centre stage and the challenges of full-fledged family life take a toll on the passion that once raged.
Good news for parents!
A recent study has established that it is possible for couples to relive their passion after kids. The research revealed the following relationship hacks -
- Parents sharing an equal amount of duties for the child/children have more chances of not only experiencing a better sex life but also of a more meaningful relationship and bonding.
- Interestingly, parents with very poor sex life as well as relationship status were found to be in the group, in which women took a major share of childcare duties.
Though the research did not reveal the reason why parents sharing duties were found to have better sex lives, psychologists feel that the reason is that in long-term relationships emotional intimacy is often a prerequisite for sexual intimacy. And in marriages where duties are not shared, emotional quotient turns out to be poor as one partner, in most cases, the mother, feels unhappy about taking a major share of the parenting tasks. This gets worse in case of working mothers and also for a couple who do not have anyone to babysit their children.
Remember these –
- Bringing-up children is a shared project and a couple must be in it together.
- Emotional detachment is a sex-killer in a marriage or long-term relationships.
- All partnerships thrive on the single dictum – give and take.
Hence, when parents consider child-rearing as a collective venture and share responsibilities equally, they will most certainly experience a more meaningful and satisfying relationship. Mutual happiness will promote emotional intimacy, which is a cornerstone of good sex life.
Misters! If your sex life is in shambles, it’s time to evaluate how you and your wife deal with the task of parenting.
Here are a few dating tips and relationship hacks-
- Communicate with your wife and try to figure out ways to bring in more balance in your responsibilities as parents.
- Take out time to go for dating nights, just the two of you, spend intimate time talking and sharing your minds deeply.
- If communication isn’t helping improve the situation, take help from an expert, including counsellors who work with couples in order to enhance their awareness and improve communication in a relationship.
- Sexual intimacy will take a different meaning after parenthood. The raw passion will be replaced by a deeper sense of bonding and intimacy. Embrace this change gracefully and you will experience a more comfortable as well as fun-filled relationship.
Change is the only constant; be the change you want to see!