While there is enough evidence to point toward the fact that numerous women find men who ejaculate earlier than expected in bed, sexy, the spectrum of PE is vast. Let it be known that living with this condition isn’t easy... Allopathic measures to control Premature Ejaculation are easily available, but milder versions of this sexual dysfunction can definitely be treated without medicines.
Here are some easy-to-follow exercises that can control it:
Ask anybody. One of the best exercises for better sex and ejaculation are known as Kegels. In fact, they are so effective that they had to be positioned first on this list. The first step is to only engage the pelvic muscles used to stop the flow of urine and contract them. Hold this contraction for a few seconds before release, making sure not to use any additional muscles like those of the hips, glutes or your lower back.
Squats are next in line. Chances are, everybody knows how to squat but in case you don’t, just Google it. Not only does this exercise maintain healthy levels of testosterone, but also supplies a good amount of blood to the pelvic region, helping the ejaculatory process.
Thirdly, trust in hip thrusts. The ideal amount of times one can perform this exercise is 3 sets of 10 reps each. For better results, men usually prefer to perform hip thrusts with weight aids but I strongly advise you to listen to your body and do how many you think is best. Why should you do this? It helps you lead with better thrusting movements that ensure better control over your ejaculation patterns as well.
The other exercises were left for later because they require weights that not all Misters may be acquainted with. These are Kettlebell Swings and weighted squats. Feel free to read about them to deduce whether they are suitable for you.
Some additional practices that can be incorporated are pulling out of your partner and squeezing the tip of your penis slightly, just before you feel like you are about to orgasm, changing sexual positions, attempting to minimise stress and just taking it slow, with the flow. Good luck!
Medically reviewed by Rishabh Verma, RP