Senna for a superb scalp

Belonging to the Fabaceae family, Senna is a flowering plant that has beautiful white, pink and yellow blooms and is home to various parts of Asia, the Middle East and North Africa. Apart from being considered an extremely powerful laxative due to its high content of anthraquinones, this plant is also recognized for its vast range of beneficial properties concerning the health of hair.

Dermatologically speaking, Senna has amazing anti-fungal, antibacterial and antimicrobial properties. While this ensures great skin, it can also aid in the correction of uncomfortable scalp conditions like excessive itching, dandruff, lice and unwanted infections.

Serving as a natural conditioner, this ancient Ayurvedic herb is advantageous for all types, textures and shades of hair, giving them lustre, density and supple definition. Research suggests that it is also safe to be applied onto dry or bleached hair. In fact, if you have graying hair, Senna has the ability to transform it by pigmenting it in golden-brown hues and highlights, a technique used often in the Indian subcontinent by men and women dissatisfied with conditions such as premature graying.

An easy-to-follow home remedy of Senna leaf extracts is trustworthy in order to obtain strong hair devoid of thinning and split ends. It is also an effective way to combat hair loss and hair fall. Additional ingredients like herbal teas, spices and citrus juices can be added to this mixture, sectioning your hair and applying it evenly on your scalp. Allow the concoction to penetrate your scalp for a few hours before you wash it off in the bath for best results.

Please note that Ayurvedic herbs barely have any negative side effects or reactions. Having said this however, each Mister’s scalp is unique. So make sure you’re not allergic to the ingredient itself or any formulation of it you are incorporating into your hair routine. The most prudent thing to do is consult an Ayurvedic practitioner before beginning any course.

Medically reviewed by Rishabh Verma, RP

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