The great orgasm divide #3

"Older men are less likely to have an orgasm", can be concluded from data in National Survey of Sexual Health and Behavior.

"Thank you for your mastery of the obvious", do I hear you say? Don't judge so fast, my friend, because here's the flip (again from the same source):

Older women are more likely to have an orgasm.

Got you, right? The obvious and then the not so obvious, that classic one-two.

Anyway, what does this mean for you? Well, far be it from me to tell you that but seems like a good idea to make a mental note of because sex is a two-people game, and quite  often the two are ageing together.

It seems like the sort of data point that will maintain your status as a magnificent lover, now and the future.

Of course, here's the first step to be a magnificent lover in the here and now, a handy quiz that you can complete in four minutes!


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