Men? This lockdown, style your hair at home

The fact that non-essential services have been closed for a while all around the nation and in many parts of the world due to a global pandemic, is not surprising. Governments have advised proper, law-abiding citizens to step out of the house only when they absolutely need it. Of course, things like shopping for groceries and medicines make the cut. But what about basic grooming? The lockdown has many complaining about the lack of mobility to make it to their favorite parlour, get a haircut and treat themselves.

Men, you don’t need to worry about your manes anymore. You can now relax, take a sip of that cool lemonade and browse through different ways in which you can style your hair at home!

During the lockdown, keep hair health in check with the Misters Ayurvedic Hair Pack for Men.

The list of things you will need is not elaborate. Make sure to keep some basic equipment like a comb and naturally, some scissors around. Over and above that, a trimmer or a clipper will definitely come in handy.

Need I mention that it is about 100 degrees outside? In this sweltering heat even a tiny tuft of overgrown hair can be so inconveniencing. So here’s some advice to start off with what’s bothering you the most. Getting someone’s help to use a simple trimmer to knock off the excess hair on your neck can be a small but immensely relieving step. While you’re at it, it wouldn’t hurt to clean a bit around the face and ears too.

Even though social distancing guidelines are at play and human contact is limited, virtual contact still exists. I’m talking of those crucial work from home, office calls that have a bearing on what your employers think of you. Whether you intend to please them or not, it’s always wiser to look presentable. Here are some quick, non-time-consuming tips to take care of your persona.

Work that trimmer away at your side burns to give you a slick, clean face that says, “Don’t worry boss, I’ll get the job done.”

Do not be afraid to experiment with styling products that are low maintenance and easily available. If you have longer hair for example, it can tend to look scruffy. Set it back with some cool gel so it looks tamer. Conversely, if you are comfortably settled in the habit of using too many styling products that you no longer have access to, go natural. It's essential to let your hair breathe from time-to-time as well.

If you have no tools whatsoever to even think of grooming, remember that online services are now open. Pick a reliable seller and buy decently priced equipment that suits your individual needs perfectly. Who said a good haircut is an expensive one? Be the lockdown version of your own fairy godmother whilst trimming and cutting carefully!

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