Have watermelon to fight Erectile Dysfunction

Everybody wants to be prodigious in bed, but sometimes things take a toll on us! Various factors like stress, health issues, diet, sleep schedules, etc., in our daily routine, impact us profoundly, and we don’t even realize that soon until it starts showing some unavoidable symptoms. Men have been known to resort to medication, and many go for self-medication without giving much thought. Taking frequent help of pills like Viagra or its variant to be sexually active isn’t the right choice that any expert recommends! It may have adverse side effects and can affect your biological system severely.

One can easily buy Viagra, and many freely choose it to avoid embarrassment and disappointing situations that ED brings. On the contrary, a plant-based supplement can do wonders for you by replacing your dependency on any chemical supplement. There are many reasons for erectile dysfunction, and a plant-based supplement may not wholly treat ED; however, it can still supply special nutrients to your body, which it needs for sexual functions.

Next time when you think about supper, don’t forget to add those yummy watermelons in your menu. Watermelons not only help you regulate your sexual activity but also help in maintaining your cardiovascular health.

Pills like Viagra boost the enzyme levels called cGMP, which means more blood surge into the penis and thereby causing an erection. As per a study published in 2011, this option of watermelon is a rush source of Citrulline. Citrulline aids in the production of Nitric Oxide in our body, which further adds on to the increased production of cGMP. It works differently, but it does stimulate the cGMP levels. So, having a watermelon brings advantages in many ways. It not only helps you relax your blood vessels but also keeps your skin refreshed and energetic.

Researchers have found that citrulline supplements have improved erection hardness in men with mild erectile dysfunction. It doesn’t wholly eradicate erectile dysfunction but has a good impact on sexual activity if you consume it frequently. You may expect to see visible results if you consume approximately three and a half (3.5) servings of red watermelon a day. The yellow watermelons contain four times as much Citrulline compared to the red watermelon. This means, one serving a day is sufficient. Studies show that it has resulted in a 68% increase in the monthly intercourse frequency. Volunteers who had three 8-ounce glasses of watermelon every day for three weeks boosted their arginine levels by 11%, which boosted the Nitric Oxide and furthered the levels of cGMP. It may not show its impact immediately but has provided satisfactory results within a week or two. Though there are a mixed response and belief over this remedy, it is still a healthier option we recommend to you.

ED has troubled men across the globe, but as a matter of fact, it can be treated with the right kind of treatment. Watermelon may not solve your problem entirely, but it can possibly help. A correct approach towards the issue, healthy lifestyle and support from your partner are the best way to handle ED.

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