Erection problems - how to recognize them

If you are nearing 50 and have occasional erectile problems, it is not a very disturbing sign. Age is a natural factor causing this type of sexual disorders in men. It is estimated that it affects about one in two men between the ages of 40 and 70, and about two-thirds of men aged 70 and above. Yes, erectile tissues also get older, resulting in less frequent erections and less rigidity of the penis.

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However, if you are in your late twenties or early thirties and fail to feel the electricity that can spark a sensual encounter with your partner, then it’s an alarm. It is necessary that you understand erectile dysfunction (ED) so that you can tackle the concern in time. Learning to recognize and acknowledge erection problems is the first step. An early diagnosis can help prevent erectile dysfunction at an early age.

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Signs that you have erection problems

Sexual arousal is a complicated process in men too. Your brain, hormones, emotions, blood circulation, muscles - all need to be in sync for a good erection. You may not have sex on your mind all the time and if you are unable to get an erection on such days, it absolutely normal. However, you need to check how frequently this occurs.

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Here’s what you can watch out for:

  • In case of erection problems, at an earlier stage, you may simply experience insufficient stiffness that interferes with penetration and does not allow you to climax.
  • You may also experience an inability to maintain an erection until orgasm or until penetration.
  • The problem can extend to the inability to get an erection despite being in the right mood and set-up.
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These problems can occur episodically, intervene more regularly, or even become permanent. If you are experiencing a reduced sex drive in addition to all the above-mentioned symptoms, it may be an early stage of ED. A minimum of three months is generally accepted to define the diagnosis of erectile dysfunction.

Do not wait too much to worry about it at the risk of creating discomfort in your relationship. Talk with your partner to avoid misunderstandings and address the problem. Consulting a doctor to find the root cause of the issue can also help you prevent or solve your erection problems before they get serious.

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