What is Safed Musli?
Safed Musli had evolved as one of the essential herbs in the Ayurvedic system of medicines. Generally, it is very well known to improve the immunity of an individual; besides that, it had also shown beautiful results in males related to their sexual health. The Vajikarana (aphrodisiac) property of Safed Musli has given perfect results in some sexual problems like erectile dysfunction and impotence or low potency. Safed Musli is Shukrala (spermatogenic) in nature due to which is useful in improving the potency. Besides this it is also beneficial in some other cases like arthritis and diabetes.
Safed Musli is cultivated in western areas of India, mainly in the rainy season. It grows wild in the subcontinent areas because of which it is used in the management of some health conditions like diarrhea, dysentery, or general debility. Safed Musli is the herb that is cultivated and eaten as a leafy vegetable in India, whereas its roots are used in the medicinal purpose to manage sexual disorders.
Different nomenclature of Safed Musli
Although Safed Musli is very well known all over India by the same name, it is also known by some other names in different languages. Its botanical name is Chlorophytum arundinaceum, and its synonyms are Chlorophytum borivillianum and Asparagus adscendens. It is known as Shweta Musli in Sanskrit; Taniravi Thang in Tamil; Khiruva in Hindi (especially in U. P.); Safed Musli in both Hindi and Marathi; Dholi Musli in Gujrati; Tella Nela Tadi Gaddalu in Telugu and Shedheveli in Malayalam.
Some other concepts about Safed Musli
Safed Musli comes under the annual herb that grows in both tropical and subtropical climates with an altitude of 1500 meters. It can grow upto a maximum height of about 1.5 feet. Its tubers can grow upto a depth of 10 inches.
Its roots are pale brown or white, with characteristic odor and tasteless nature. Its root tubers are fleshy and cylindrical with a thickness of about 0.9 cm and length of about 8 cm. the number of tubers varies from plant to plant, but on an average, around 5-30 tubers could be seen on every plant.
It has 6 – 13 radical leaves, which are spirally imbricated at the base, sessile, and slightly narrow. The leaves are about 30 cm long or maybe a little lesser than 30 cm. They are spread horizontally with a smooth surface, wavy margins, and parallel venation.
Its flowers can be seen small and white, bracteates, pedicellate generally arranged beautifully in the cluster of around three flowers. These flower clusters are dense on the upper part. Bracts are linear, papery and purplish in color which is about 1 – 10.5 cm long. Pedicles are whitish and are nearly 6 – 10 mm long. It carries green or yellow-colored fruit, which is almost equal in length and breadth. Its seed is tiny and black, which is enclosed in a hole, where one hole contains 10 – 12 seeds in it.
Ayurvedic properties of Safed Musli make it more efficient in managing health problems. Safed Musli is Guru (heavy) and Snigdha (oily) in nature. This property makes it a complete food that provides the fullness in the body and helps in the management of internal or external dryness. It is Madhura (sweet) in taste. It is Madhura (sweet) in its after taste. It is Sheeta (cold) in its potency. It has the ability to balance Vata and Pitta Dosha, due to which it is used in all those disorders that occur due to an imbalance of these two Doshas.
Medically reviewed by Rishabh Verma, RP