What is Shatavari?

Shatavari is one of the essential herbs used in Ayurveda. It is very commonly used for female reproductive health like in conceiving, prevention of miscarriage and improves libido. In Sanskrit, the name Shatavari means “having one hundred roots” which can also be referred to another meaning “having one hundred husbands”.
The name Shatavari itself suggests a rejuvenating tonic, which means it helps to develop and maintain good health or general well-being of any individual. Traditional use of Satavari had already been mentioned in the ancient texts of Ayurveda like “Charak Samhita”, which generally describes that it is used in certain conditions like epilepsy or as a brain tonic, managing Vata disorders, cardiac disorders and hypertension.
Since Shatavari has multiple health benefits, it is extensively used in male sexual problems like erectile dysfunction, oligospermia, spermatogenic irregularities and other male issues like painful micturition. The Vata Dosha generally governs all the sexual problems. Any imbalance in Vata Dosha might lead to any sexual disability. Since Shatavari helps to manage Vata Dosha, it is said to be very beneficial in all sexual disorders.
Different nomenclature of Shatavari
Shatavari is very well known all over the universe by the various names like Shatveerya, Bahusuta and Shatmooli. Its botanical name is Asparagus racemosus. Shatavari is also famous by multiple other names like Satavari in Sanskrit, Satavari, Shatawar, Satmuli in Hindi, Wild Asparagus in English, Shatamuli in Bengali, Shatavari or Shatmuli in Marathi, Satawari in Gujrati, Toala - gaddalu or Pilli – gaddalu in Telegu, Shimaishadavari or Inli - chedi in Tamil, Chatavali in Malayalam, Majjigegadde or Aheruballi in Kannada, Narbodh or Atmooli in Madhya Pradesh, Kairuwa in Kumaon, Norkanto or Satawar in Rajasthan.
Other concepts of Shatavari
Shatavari can be easily found all over India. Especially it is more available in the Northern regions of India. The stem of Shatavari is full of multiple horns. Its branches are somewhat triangular which are little sticky or oily to touch. Its leaves are around ½ - 1 inch big in length and are generally seen in a bunch of about 2-6 leaves together.
Its flowers are gorgeous, white in colour and full with a pleasant fragrance and generally found in the bunch. Its fruits are small and round in shapes which are seen red once ripened. These fruits also contain 1-2 seeds inside them.
Ayurvedic properties of Shatavari make it more efficient in managing health problems. Shatavari is Guru (heavy) and Snigdha (oily) in nature. This property makes it a complete food which provides the fullness in the body and helps in the management of internal or external dryness. It is Madhura (sweet) and Tikta (bitter) in taste. It is Madhura (sweet) in its after taste. It is Sheeta (cold) in its potency. Shatavari helps to manage all the three Doshas, especially Vata and Pitta Dosha.
Overall, Shatavari is one of the essential herbs in Ayurveda which works as both rejuvenator and aphrodisiac. This means Shatavari helps manage the overall health or helps to restore the health as well as supports the sexual health of any individual.
Medically reviewed by Rishabh Verma, RP