What is the impact of age in men & women's sex drive?

Aging is an inevitable reality, and life in any form must age. The biological clock starts ticking right from the moment of birth and with time, brings in irreversible changes in the body and mind.
Change is the only constant, and while some changes are beneficial, some are not. Age changes the sex drive of both men and women in many different ways. This happens due to the changes in the genitals and hormones in their bodies. Hence, the guarded and softer lovemaking of a sixty-plus couple will never be similar to the tumultuous and frenzied pairing of 30-year-olds.
Here are the four distinct indices which bear the mark of age on sex drive -
Physical changes
A marked change takes place in hormones. In women, the level of estrogen and testosterone lowers, and the flow of blood to the vagina diminishes. The vaginal lining dries and becomes thin while both vaginal elasticity and muscle tone drops off. Men experience a decline in testosterone level, less blood flow to genitals, and reduced sensitivity in sex organs.
There is a definite decrease in desire both in women and men, and both get lesser sexual thoughts.
Arousal slows down in both. In women, vaginal lubrication and elongation diminish during arousal, and there is less blood accumulation in the vagina and clit. Clitoral sensitivity goes down. Men face difficulty in getting and sustaining an erection, and when they get one, it is less rigid.
In women, orgasms are delayed and less intense or are entirely absent. Uterine contractions also become less and at times, painful.
Orgasms get more and more challenging to achieve for men and are always less intense than before. Ejaculation, too, turns less vigorous, and semen ejaculated is much less in volume.
After the sexual encounter, the body (both male and female) goes back to its resting position faster than before. With age, men take more extended time to get the second erection.
Menopause and its impact on sex drive
In women, menopause and the time before it is mainly characterized by a substantial reduction in estrogen levels. This fall in the hormone level leads to syndromes like vaginal dryness, hot flashes, and alterations in the shape of the female body, which affects sex drive. The good news is, with the help of certain changes in lifestyle, lubricants, and hormone therapies, they can address most of these conditions.
While male sex testosterone starts decreasing after 25 years of age at the rate of one percent annually, but this slow rate does not impact sex drive in men. Libido in men starts taking a downward plunge after the age of 50.
Lament not! Arousal, erections, lubrication, and orgasms are all age-dependent and will lose vitality with time. To make up for the loss, focus more on extensive foreplay and other softer ways of pleasuring each other. Armed with years of experience, lesser inhibitions, and more profound knowledge of each other, age helps you connect and bond meaningfully at a deeper level.