I have worrying fall. What is the best way for me to deal with it?

Here are some of the best ways to deal with hair fall among men that are both natural and effective:

Arnica or arnica montana is a flowering herb that has been employed to treat scalp, hair and skin conditions for centuries. Arnica oil efficiently treats hair loss if you massage it onto your scalp frequently. It provides the scalp with invigoration that activates hair follicles, triggering hair growth and health. Conditions like premature graying of the hair can also be corrected through it. For more serious conditions like Alopecia, a higher density of Arnica will be required. To find out more about Arnica, please visit the website's blog section.

Lemongrass: Glands present in your scalp are responsible for the secretion of oils that harbor and attract fungal plus bacterial growth. This leads to itchiness and dandruff. These factors often lead to damage to the hair follicles, resulting in undue hair loss. Results of the study discovered that lemongrass was able to outperform a great number of essential oils as an antimicrobial treatment option for hair care. It also possesses anti fungal and antibacterial properties.

Jojoba oil: Rich in Vitamins, including Vitamin B, C, and E, Jojoba oil helps nourish and strengthen hair, thereby preventing hair loss. Its efficacy has been proven over the years in several ayurvedic medicines. A simple way to use it is to heat it, apply and wash off after an hour with shampoo.

Hibiscus: This is a wonder plant known to stimulate even the dominant hair follicles located in bald patches, leading to hair growth. Known for years as an effective remedy to prevent hair loss and promote hair growth, the best way to apply this is in the form of a freshly ground hibiscus flower paste. Leave for one to two hours and then wash off.

Bhringraj: Also known as the king of hair, this herb has the power to not only control hair fall and prevent premature graying but also boost new hair growth.

Apart from these natural, Ayurvedic remedies, men must keep in mind that mental stress and anxiety majorly contribute to hair loss and hair fall. Meditation, healthy eating habits and a steady daily routine of timely activities have proved to reduce stress. So please make sure you are doing that.

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