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Relationships Should performance anxiety affect your sex life? Approximately 30%-70% of American men experience premature ejaculation. According to The National Health and Social Life Survey’ (NHSLS), almost 30% of males, through all adult age categories, experience PE.
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depression Are stress and lifestyle issues affecting your sex life? Stress the hydra-headed monster is plundering urban life in unprecedented ways. Fast life, work pressure, dietary imbalance, and addiction, all contribute to stress levels and exceedingly affect our mental-physical health.
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Increase sex drive Scientists find out why men lie about the number of sexual partners they've had If a question is asked about the number of sexual partners one has had, well, a study says the answer will entirely depend on your gender. As per past sex
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sex talk Understanding the female sexual anatomy Female sexual pleasure and desire have historically remained a hush-hush affair in an attempt to subjugate women's rights. Countering this cultural malpractice, a band of feisty women has made path-breaking
sex drive Why it is important to understand the clitoris or the primary female sex organ? Clitoris or the principal sex organ in women has long been kept out of social, academic, and medical discourse. The fact that the full anatomy of the clitoris was discovered
Relationships What is sexual dysfunction? Life is a bumpy ride, replete with ‘D’ words like distress, disorder, dysfunction, and in India, even ‘demonetization.’ At Misters, we are particularly concerned with dysfunctions related to sexual activities
Hormones क्या इलक्लिटरेट (illcliterate) है हमारा समाज? 26 अगस्त, सन् 1920 में 19 वां संशोधन प्रमाणित किया गया, जिसके तहत महिलाओं को मतदान करने का अधि
Dating Ways to spice-up your sex life after 40 Your sex drive inevitably decreases with age. In both men and women, the common factors resulting in decreased libido are fluctuating hormones, everyday stress, and a gradual decrease in the
male sex problem Top 7 things men should know about female sexual arousal Listen up, Guys! Women may be shy, or clueless, or mild to express the actual stuff about arousal to men, but they secretly wish their men to know these things.
Premature Ejaculation Kegel exercises for men: How kegels may transform your sex life Kegel exercises are usually associated with women. The pelvic floor muscles in women weaken due to pregnancy, post-childbirth, surgery, aging, being overweight, or due to excessive coughing. These muscles, which
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