hair care इन फलों के सेवन से दूर हो सकता है गंजापन। केशों को सिर का ताज कहा जाता है। माना जाता है कि ये हमारे सिर की शोभा बढ़ाते हैं। यदि
hair care क्या लंबे समय तक काम करना है आपके गंजेपन की वजह? अपने दिन की शुरुआत सुबह जल्दी उठकर नई और सकारात्मक ऊर्जा के साथ करना, अच्छे, स्वादिष्
hairfall Japaneses dermatologist claim that eggs can reverse hair loss If hair loss or balding is what has been recently giving you sleepless nights, try befriending an egg! As per a recent study conducted in Japan, egg yolk can prevent
hair loss ग्रीन टी और बालों में क्या है संबंध? जानें इससे जुड़ी खास बातें क्या आप बालों के झड़ने को लेकर काफी परेशान रहते हैं? या आपने अपने गंजेपन से ही समझौता करने की सो
hair क्यों आदमियों को हर 10 दिन में अपने बालों में तेल जरूर लगाना चाहिए? जानें आपने माने या ना माने, आपके बाल आपके पूरे लुक को अच्छा बनाने में बहुत ही हेल्प करते हैं। भले
stress क्या बालों के गिरने की वजह डायबिटीज़ है? आजकल बालों का गिरना एक आम परेशानी है. ज़िंदगी जीने के तौर-तरीकों और खान-पान के साथ प्रदूषण
Nutritional deficiency गंजेपन के मुख्य कारण। पुरुषों में गंजापन अर्थात उनके सिर की त्वचा से केशों का झड़ जाना। इसका एक मुख्य करण है
hairfall Misters, these vitamins can keep your hair strong Hair loss is no less than a nightmare in anyone’s life. The reality that your lengths are shedding and your scalp is starting to get visible can leave even
बाल झड़ने की दवा Green tea and hair loss Do the tales of hairs once lost still stresses the tresses of yours? Or do you get tempted by the hair products at the salon to shine your mane? If
stress 4 reasons men should oil their hair after every 10 days You may believe it or not, but a good tuft of hair atop your head has the power to make or break your overall look quotient. Even if you are
bald Sandalwood oil is a fixer of baldness Remember Veerappan, the sandalwood smuggler of in scrub and forest lands of South India? Of course, you do! His heavily moustached face with a rich crop of hair on the
hairfall Battle baldness by adding these foods in your diet Hair is one of the parts of human anatomy, which doesn’t play much significant role in our biological function. However, if we talk about enhancing our appearance, most people
Male pattern balding What causes male pattern baldness Hair loss is a phenomenon that is prevalent in any living body which exhibits hair. The problem occurs when hairs do not regrow in the region. In humans, male or
hair Is Collagen Supplement good for your hair? Everybody uses cosmetics and personal care products, and you might have noticed that a few claims to have collagen in their products. Have you ever considered why this component is
hair loss High blood pressure can trigger your hair loss process The usual way for men to lose hair is through male pattern baldness, or androgenetic alopecia in which the hairline starts receding from the temples to form a “m” shape
trichotillomania What Causes Trichotillomania? Often in life, we have come across a situation where we are at a loss or are really frustrated and just feel like pulling out our hair. But for many,
Minoxidil What are the side effects of minoxidil? Minoxidil is a popular medicine prescribed for hair growth. It is generally available in the form of solution and foam and comes under many brand names. It is common for