We have talked about penis size often, mostly because it is the top reason for phones to ring at Misters.

First, the fact that bears reiterating, ‘there is no known scientifically established non-surgical way for penis length or girth to be increased.’

This is fact.

Yet, every year men buy products of more than $1 Billion (INR 8,000 Crore) in India that claim to increase penis size. Ironically most of these men have a size that will be statistically defined as normal (and in 24% cases above average)!

You can take this self-administered quiz to find out your size relative to that of other men.

Find Out Your Penis Size Percentile

Mostly when men want to “fix” size they are actually looking to improve erections, and so they have turned out to be very satisfied with Misters Bold, the all natural supplement that improves erections. Satisfaction rate for this product is as high as 84%!

Misters Bold Helps Improve Erections

Men’s sexual wellness is a stigma shaped industry that enables unscrupulous players to make unscrupulous claims and thrive. This needs to change, and step one is surely that no reader of this blog falls for such patently, absolutely false claims.

Talking Sex Podcast | Men's quest for a bigger penis