Ayurvedic Ingredient Potency Score (AIPS) and Scientific Research Quotient (SRQ) are novel concepts developed by Misters.in to measure the potency of an ayurvedic product and the scientific relevance of the ingredients used.
AIPS or Ayurvedic Ingredient Potency Score is developed by Misters.in to measure the potency of each ingredient based on the dosage used in a particular product, relative to reputed products in the market. AIPS measures the total potency of an ayurvedic formulation as compared to other products in the market with similar claims.
AIPS is calculated for each ingredient in a product by comparing the dosage per serving of in the product, against the highest dosage used by any other reputed product with the same/similar use case and claims. Then, the individual ingredient scores are added and divided by the total number of ingredients in a product to get the total AIPS.
For example, Himalaya Tentex Royale has 100mg of Gokshura in their product and Misters.in Bold for men has 50mg of it, the score of the potency of Gokshura in Misters.in Bold for men is 0.5, given that Himalaya Tentex Royale has the highest amount of Gokshura amongst all reputed products with the same claim as Misters.in Bold for men.
The total score of Misters.in Bold for men is 16.05, whereas the total score of Himalaya Tentex Royale is 5.0. This tells us that Misters.in Bold has a higher potency value per serving as compared to Himalaya Tentex Royale.
SRQ or Scientific Research Quotient is developed by Misters.in to validate the scientific relevance of the claims of each of the ingredients used in our products. When an ingredient is chosen to be added to a product, our team validates its scientific relevance by analysing the papers published in reputed journals. A score between 0 to 5 is assigned to each ingredient, with zero being the lowest meaning the ingredient has not been studied by scientists and hence there’s no relevance, and five being the highest, meaning it has complete validation from science for the claim being made.
SRQ is measured against a limit of 100 which is a value of the function of the multiple of the impact factor(IF) of a journal in which the paper is published and the citation count of each paper Misters.in has referred to.
f(SRQ) = MAX(MIN((Impact Factor * Citation Score)*5/100, 5),0)
After calculating SRQ for each ingredient, the total SRQ for the product will be determined by adding the individual ingredient score divided by the total number of ingredients.
E.g.: In case of Immunity Booster, for Amla, we have five references with the following Impact factor of the journal and citation count
Paper 1 - IF is 5.8, CC is 55,
Paper 2 - IF is 3.69, CC is 111,
Paper 3 - IF is 3.69, CC is 148,
Paper 4 - IF is 1.46, CC is 21,
Paper 5 - IF is 2.24, CC is 57.
IF is Impact Factor and CC is Citation Count.
Each of these will get a SRQ score, total SRQ score for Amla will be an average of these. Misters.in Immunity Booster for men has a Scientific Research Quotient (SRQ) of 3.54, which indicates high scientific validation for the claims made by the product.
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