Sexual health is an integral part of our well-being. A desire for good and longer sex is never outlawed, even with increasing age. However, there are times when you might experience ejaculation issues.

Premature ejaculation is a condition where involuntary ejaculation occurs. It affects a majority of men and yet remains the most undiagnosed and untreated condition.

What causes it?

Premature ejaculation or PE can be due to the following reasons:

  • Anxiety, stress, and depression
  • Differences with partner
  • Low sexual activity
  • Substance abuse( Alcohol, drugs, smoking)
  • Hormonal Imbalances( Hyperthyroidism)
  • Biogenic causes- Penile Hypersensitivity, Hyperarousability, Hyperexcitable ejaculatory reflex.
  • Chronic inflammation of the Prostate.

Symptoms of Premature ejaculation,  be it early or delayed, should not be ignored. Male sexual health is usually neglected, unable to meet therapeutic needs.

Talk to your doctor

Seeking professional help from your doctor is the best way to start any treatment. He can offer you the available treatment options and information about the best-suited regime for you. Your job is to tell him about your symptoms without hesitating. No more hiding!

Are there any effective therapies?

Hell Yes !! And it starts with your positive attitude. Treating PE can be challenging, but multiple treatment modalities and combination therapies have worked out very well.

Clinical diagnosis for PE will be based on the following points-

  • Time to ejaculation
  • Ejaculation control
  • Onset and duration
  • Relationship issues
  • Medical History
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Sometimes, PE occurs secondary to Erectile Dysfunction. This necessitates the requirement of the treatment for ED in the first place.

Different approaches can be used to treat PE. You can find yourself sitting on the fence while choosing between Homeopathy, Ayurveda, and Allopathy.

Here are a few points to help you choose between them:

Drugs in Allopathy

SSRI or Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors- The class of anti-depressants with the famous drugs 'Fluoxetine' 'Paroxetine' and 'Sertraline' have dexterously treated the depression and Premature-ejaculation, but the major disadvantage is 'no reaction plateau' where the dose has to be increased after every 2-3 week. The constant rise in dose maintain their efficacy but also increases the side-effect associated with it. Evidence has shown increased suicidal tendencies on prolonged medication, which ends their story for being used as a treatment for Premature ejaculation.

The Tricyclic Antidepressants- Clomipramine is a popular on-demand prescription drug known to improve sexual satisfaction both from partners and patients. It makes a person very dizzy and causes a lot of muscle fatigue. The adverse effect due to continuous dosing is significantly worse than SSRIs.

PDE 5 Inhibitors- Viagra and Cialis have proven to be effective and safe drug comparatively. The gold-standard for Erectile dysfunction indirectly helps to control ejaculation. Another advantage it offers is a shorter refractory period that provides erection after intercourse and helps you last longer in bed. This drug should only be taken as directed by your doctor. It has certain side-effects on long-term usage and is not approved for Premature ejaculation.

Medicines  In Homeopathy:

Homeopathy offers treatment with little side-effects. The most effective medicine Staphysagria is used to treat Premature ejaculation with general weakness. Phosphoricum Acidum acts well when Premature ejaculation is seen with mild inflammation in testicles and low sex drive. Avena Sativa is used when Premature ejaculation occurs with impotence. The side-effects due to homeopathy medicines are hard to come by. However, there are certain limitations of homeopathy medicines that you must know:

  • It doesn't work on condition arises due to nutritional deficiencies.
  • Patient compliance is essential as they take a longer time to act.
  • Some people do not show any response to homeopathic medicines.
  • Interaction with allopathic medicine may nullify the effect of homeopathy.
  • Homeopathy is ineffective in curing the disease that can be cured by adopting the changes in the lifestyle.
  • It often delays the onset of a significant ailment while curing its early symptoms, which can later bring its fulminant form.

Herbs in Ayurveda

Ayurvedic medicines restore the balance between the body and the mind. They reduce mental and physical stress, and the anti-oxidant properties protect the cell from damage. The popular ayurvedic herbs are Ashwagandha, Shilajit, Cinnamon cassia that revitalizes the body's cells and maintains balance and health.

What to choose?

Ayurveda is very much a solution for these conditions with fewer side-effects. Ayurvedic products have more useful and reliable results. They have been recognized and utilized for decades now.

Misters Perform Capsules is a perfect ayurvedic remedy that can help you last longer in bed. The balanced blend of Kesar, Kaunch beej, Ashwagandha, and 15 other essential herbs improve the blood flow to penile muscles and lets you have better control over your erection and ejaculation.

Medically reviewed by Rishabh Verma, RP

Perform (30 Capsules)
With Perform, you have the power of 15 potent ayurvedic herbs including kesar, kaunchbeej and ashwagandha that help men last longer.

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