Heart attacks are a painful experience - the recovery time can vary from person to person, but the recovery process is usually the same for all. Simple exercises such as slow paced walks around a park, yoga and breathing exercises can really help gain back strength and dexterity.

Just as your doctor may suggest that you go through with these simple exercises in time, you can also get back to your sexual activities when it’s safe to do so. Now, while some guys could get right back on track with their sex lives, others might not.

Unfortunately, some males go through erectile dysfunction (ED) - a widespread issue - and may want to take certain medications to help treat their concerns. How ED meds could affect people with heart conditions are something worth looking into. If you're familiar with ED, then you know the most common drugs - Viagra, Cialis and Levitra - benefit a large percentage of the male population.

What an ED drug does to the body is to allow blood to flow to the penile muscles and helps restrict the stopping of the erection, giving you a long-lasting one instead. Taking into account, a person with a heart condition, the medications involved with the heart could be nitric oxide related.

In other words, the nitric oxide containing drugs are the ones that help expand the arteries of the body and let blood flow easily. This helps people who have gone through a stroke, heart attack or have some heart condition. While nitric oxide expands blood vessels, so does viagra - both decreasing your blood pressure.

Now, you may be thinking, if arteries expand and the blood flows smoothly with the help of both medications, shouldn't that improve conditions with the heart? Mixing them would cause a considerable drop in blood pressure, making it a dangerous cocktail to consume. This is a big no-no as it could lead to more complications with the heart or even the penis.

One exception here is the ingestion of nitric oxide related foods along with your ED medication. They do no harm, but it's best to confirm your dietary intake with a medical professional first before going ahead. Studies do suggest that PDE5-inhibitors (ED drugs) help improve men with heart conditions; it is crucial that you speak to your physician to confirm this.

Not every heart condition is the same, and heart related medical issues are not only tricky but vastly depend on the individual itself. To avoid any future repercussions, it’s best not to self-diagnose or self-medicate. Once it's clarified with your doctor, you should always continue with follow-ups.
