Kauchbeej, very commonly known as cowhage plant or velvet bean, is also widely famous as Kapikachhu or Kevach. As the name suggests, Kapikachhu is a combination of two words – Kapi means monkey, and Kachhu means itching. Together it says that it causes itching for monkeys when they sit on or near the stem of this creeper. Its seeds are very well known for its medicinal properties. It is specially used in case of sexual problems because of its Vajikarana (aphrodisiac) nature.
Kaunchbeej is widely spread over the subcontinent and is found in bushes throughout the plains of India, especially in the hotter regions. According to some studies, it is also considered as a rich source of dietary protein as compared to the other pulses. Kaunchbeej is not only beneficial in sexual problems, but it has also shown its wonderful results in many other conditions like Diabetes Mellitus, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Parkinson's, Menstrual disorders, Constipation, Oedema, fever, and other painful conditions.
Different nomenclature of Kaunchbeej
The botanical name of Kaunchbeej is Mucuna prureins. Besides this, Kaunchbeej is very well and widely known by its different names like Kapikachhu, Markati, Kandura, Sukasimbi, Kapiprabha in Sanskrit; Aalkushee, and Alkusa in Bengali; Cowhage, Cowitch in English; Kaucha and Kavach in Gujrat; Kevanch, Kaunch, Khujanee in Hindi; Nasukunnee, Nasuganni, Nayisonanguballi in Kannada; Shoriyanam, Naykkorana, Naykkuran in Malayalam; Khajkuhilee in Marathi; Baikhujnee in Oriya; Aalkushee and Kavanch in Punjabi; Punaik – Kalee, Punaikkalee, Punaippidukkam in Tamil; Piliyadugu, Pilleeadugu in Telugu; Kaunch in Urdu. Pradhan Naam (primary name) is Kapikachhu, Atmagupta, Upama (representative) is Kapiloma, Kapi, Markati, and Vanari, Swaroopa (morphology) is Roma – Valli, and Rrusyaprokta.
Other concepts of Kaunchbeej
Vines (Lata) of Kaunchbeej are thin and somewhat look like beans. Its leaves are Tripatrak, which means one stem of a branch carries three leaves together. These leaves are about 3 - 6 inches in length. Its flowers are very beautifully seen in purple colour and are about 3 cm in length. Its beans are seen hanging and are about 5 – 7.5 cm in length, 12 cm in breadth. Every single bean carries about 5 – 6 seeds in it, which are black, shiny in appearance, and oval in shape.
Ayurvedic properties of Kaunchbeej make it more efficient in managing multiple health issues. Kaunchbeej is Guru (heavy) and Snigdha (oily) in nature. This property makes it a complete food that provides the fullness in the body and helps in the management of internal or external dryness. It is Madhura (sweet) and Tikta (bitter) in taste. It is Madhura (sweet) in its after taste. It is Ushna (hot) in its potency. Kaunchbeej helps to manage Vata Dosha.
Since almost all the sexual problems are somewhere governed by Vata Dosha, which means any imbalance in Vata Dosha might lead to any sexual problem, all these are very well and efficiently managed by Kaunchbeej because of its Vata balancing and Vajikarana (aphrodisiac) property.
Medically reviewed by Rishabh Verma, RP