Think you know what women want? And yet it seems your charm is not working and you still don’t know the way to her heart — and bed! Research by shows that 12% women prefer their partners to be good at do-it-yourself projects instead of just being great beneath the sheets.
#Whatwomenwant is more than just a man who’s skilled in bed.
Here’s the list:
#mistersmusthaves: Ability to make her laugh. A cute smile and a terrific sense of humour. Hard to resist and makes their heart melt. No matter how bad her day’s been — an irresistible smile is worth a million bucks for them. A Men's Health survey that studied 1,000 American women ages 21 to 54. According to the survey, about 77% women ranked a sense of humour as their number one must-have in a man — putting intelligence, passion, confidence, and generosity right at the bottom!
#mistersmusthaves: Cooking.Don’t just watch Masterchef. Take a cue from the show and start cooking because the way to her heart is through her tummy too! According to DailyMail Women find men most sexy when they're working in the kitchen. So instead of pumping iron, you should really think about cooking to turn her on. A Men's Health survey studied 1,000 Cosmopolitan readers and found that 66 percent of women admitted they were likely to have sex with a man after a home-cooked meal.
#mistersmusthaves: A girl-friendly man-cave. Is your bachelor pad girl-friendly? Dirty socks and clothes thrown across the floor and a smelly kitchen is a big turn-off for them. For two-third women, having a clean home is imperative for setting the mood as per the National Sleep Foundation and WB&A; Market Research poll of 1,500 people ages 25 to 55.
#mistersmusthaves: Getting wild. Rusticity is something women secretly love — and now admit it too. It could be your stubble or just that unruly hair when you get out of bed. Women love seeing the wild side of men. According to Ava Cadell, Ph.D., an L.A.-based sexologist and founder of Loveology University, many women consider dominant or rough sex to be a huge turn-on. However, do ensure you give it time. Don’t just take it to a little extreme on the first date — not yet. Surprise her with some aggression after a couple of dates — it could be stronger nibbling, spanking or even unleashing a new position.
#mistersmusthaves: Your perfume. Women easily get seduced when they see a man apply scent or perfume as per a study from the University of Liverpool. There’s something about the way you apply the fragrance that turns them on. The study adds that men who use cologne regularly seem to be more confident than those who don’t.
So mister, if you want to turn her on and tantalise her sex hormones — try these five things!