Conventional medicines play a vital role in maintaining the good health of any individual. According to some researches, about three-quarters of the world’s population is dependent on the different parts of the medicinal plants. In India, one such well known and valuable plant is Bhringraj, which is also known as “King of Hairs”. Bhringraj is also widely famous by the name false daisy. It is a weed that grows in the tropical and subtropical regions all over the world.
Bhringraj is one of the essential herbs used in the Indian Traditional System of Medicine, Ayurveda, because it is full of multiple health benefits with it. Its leaf extract is a powerful liver tonic, rejuvenator and especially one of the best herbs for hairs. Some studies have shown that Bhringraj can give some symptomatic relief in certain conditions like gastric pain, nausea and vomiting. It can also refer to in some nervous problems like epilepsy.
Different nomenclature of Bhringraj
Bhringraj is very well known all over by town name, i.e. Bhringraj and also as false daisy or Keshraja. Its botanical name is Eclipta alba. It is known as Trailing Eclipta in English; Bhangra, Mochakand, Babri and Bhangra in Hindi; Bheemraja, Kesuriya, Kesari, Kesuti and Keshwri in Bengali; Bhangra, Kaluganthi, Dodhak and Kalobhangro in Gujarati.
It is further known as Garagada and Soppu in Kannada; Kannunni and Kayyonni in Malayalam; Maka and Bhringuraja in Marathi; Kaikesi, Garuga and Kayanthakara in Tamil; Guntakalagara and Guntagalagara in Telugu; Kadim – el – bint in Arabi; Bhrngaraja in Assam; Kesara and Kesarda in Oriya; Lal Kesari in Santhal; Tik in Sindh; Kikirindi in Sing; Kesaraja, Tekaraja, Bhrnga, Markava and Bhrngaja in Sanskrit; Bhangra in Punjabi and Bhangra in Urdu.
Other concepts of Bhringraj
Bushes of Bhringraj are about 10 – 12 fingers high and are spread all over the ground. Its trunk is seen blackish grey and is full of many branches on it. Its leaves are about 1 – 4 inch long, about ½ - 1 inch broad which are sharp and somewhat similar to either oval or rectangular.
Its flower stem is small and very beautiful white-coloured flowers can be seen on them. These flowers occur in the rainy season. Its fruits are about 1 inch long with two visible lines on them. These fruits are seen in the winter season. Its seeds are longer but small in size and somewhat similar to that of purple fleabane (kali jiri) and are many.
Ayurvedic properties of Bhringraj make it more efficient for various health benefits. Bharingraj is Laghu (light) and Rooksha (dry) in nature. This makes it easy to get digested and also pulls out the excessive oil from the body, which might become a reason for multiple health problems like pimples or acne. It is Katu (pungent) and Tikta (bitter) in taste and Katu (sharp) in its aftertaste or after digestion.
It is Ushna (hot) in potency. Bhringraj is very beneficial in managing health disorders that might occur due to an imbalanced Vata and Kapha Doshas because Bhringraj can balance both these Doshas very efficiently and thus helps and individual to lead a healthy disease-free life.
Medically reviewed by Rishabh Verma, RP