The scientific name of Kapur Kachri is Hedychium spicatum, a popular Ayurvedic herb known to have immensely soothing properties that are known to prevent scalp itchiness and dryness. Did you know that it’s benefits are derived from a ginger plant by extracting a Kapur Kachri powder from it? Although it is botanically referred to as a type of ginger, it is not a sub-species of the ginger we are familiar with as adrak.
Naturally, there are similarities it bears with ginger such as a slight tingling sensation considered instrumental in stimulating a healthy flow of blood to the scalp. Other advantages of this important herb range from having spasmodic and analgesic properties to pediculicidal properties. Mostly, though, it is employed in the endeavour of achieving great hair health.
Along with it’s antifungal and antibacterial properties keeping dandruff, scalp inflammation and other hair infections at bay, Kapur Kachri is also responsible for maintaining a balance in oil production and pH levels of your scalp. It effectively does away with excess oil in the hair, unclogging hair follicles and keeping the functioning of the sebaceous glands at their best.
Men often suffer from a loss of confidence stemming from hair conditions like Androgenic Alopecia, male pattern baldness and the drying out, thinning of hair or split ends. The steady and correct use of Kapur Kachri will ensure that your hair loss decreases and healthy regeneration of hair is promoted through its rich antioxidant content. Not only will this herb help you grow back your hair but ensure that it’s texture is shiny, dense and strong.
So how can you use it?
One popular method is to formulate a Kapur Kachri paste, using Kapur Kachri powder that is readily available and mixing it with some water. Make sure to apply this paste directly onto your scalp and leave it in for about 15- 20 minutes. Make sure to rinse it off afterwards. For best results, aloe vera, glycerine and honey can also be added into this mixture.
Note: If you are allergic to any ingredients in the powder, please check beforehand and consult an Ayurvedic practitioner for the same.
Medically reviewed by Rishabh Verma, RP