Coffee runs the world; you know that but what if it could do more than keep you up for work and give you a dose of a crowd favorite sugar high? Guys, what if it could help with erectile dysfunction (ED)? A study ( recently suggested that the intake of caffeine - 2-3 cups a day, reduced the odds at which men can experience ED.
There are quite a few lifestyle habits that allow for ED to prosper, such as a poor diet, idle activity, smoking, and alcohol - they say nothing about coffee. The function of your penis has a lot to do with blood vessels. Well, it allows for a healthy erection. So it makes sense that it’s linked to cardiovascular health as well - caffeine helps your heart too to an extent extending its benefits to helping with ED. If you’re a coffee drinker like most 9 am zombies on their way to work, this is your day.
This study had the data from 3,700 men that filled out information on their alcohol consumption, caffeine consumption, diets, and other lifestyle habits and, of course, if they experience ED. The results showed that men who indulged in ‘85-170 mg of caffeine each day were 42 percent less likely to have experienced ED while those who drank 171-303 mg of caffeine a day were 39 percent less likely to have ED’ - that’s about two to three cups which is normal for workaholics, don’t you agree?
So, why is this the case? It has something to do with blood vessels, and that’s a no brainer because caffeine does affect your heart - we’ve all drank too much at least once. Following that same concept, it’s easy to understand how it can affect ED. According to the study, “it was suggested that caffeine triggers a series of pharmacological effects that lead to the relaxation of the penile helicine arteries and the cavernous smooth muscle that lines cavernosal spaces, thus increasing penile blood flow.” Simple science? Relaxation of arteries and smooth muscle results in an increase in blood flow, and the space in the penis that helps an erection to form, is filled with blood resulting in an erection - easy peasy! This was further proved because men who had diabetes are not able to reap the benefit that caffeine provides to blood vessels because it in itself accompanies vascular issues.
It is probably a good point to remind you that caffeine is addicting, and too much of anything isn’t a good thing. Caffeine does have benefits, and coffee is a good way to reap these benefits for your body and its functions.
If you’re already among the many of us that depend on coffee to get us throughout the morning blues, this should serve as a satisfying health win. Experts have kept track of caffeine multiple benefits, but a direct correlation shouldn’t be taken too seriously, as of yet. Let the experts send out the call to prescription, and you can take it from there. If you don’t drink coffee, don’t plan on starting an addiction, speak to your doctor first - we think they have the best ways to tackle such crazy antics of the body.