Eating unhealthy food is overall bad, but did you know it can be responsible even for harming erections? Anything one eats or drinks, including medicines, can serve as culprits for problems below the belt. Food is the primary source of nutrition for the human body, and any imbalance in this department will directly affect health.
Signs that you may be inviting trouble for your penis:
- Unhealthy eating
Just as a workout requires strength, stamina and, endurance, an A+ bedroom session also requires you to be at par with your partner. Unfortunately, people who eat junk without limit, as the experts say, run low on hormones needed to fuel sex drive. Obese men, for example, have lower levels of testosterone.
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Like the way increased blood flow is suitable for erections, clogged arteries which interrupt blood flow can lead to Erectile Dysfunction. Food with unhealthy fats and added sugar are the reason for a weighing scale on the heavy side. So, what should one do?
Eat foods that will truly help increase libido. Also make sue to cut down on fatty foods. Cutting fat means helping testosterone levels increase. Along with the right diet chart, a recommended 150 minute will build stamina and improve bedroom performance.
- Caffeinated drinks
A study by the American Heart Association suggests about 100 milligrams of caffeine in a drink increases blood flow by 30% for the next 75 minutes in people, as compared to people who do not consume caffeine.
Based on such evidence, researches claim that caffeine might improve small blood vessel functions and even reduce inflammation. They stress on blood vessels because most sexual health involves rectifying blood flow to the penis. Definitely, better blood flow means better erections. An extra cup of coffee will not hurt to pull you out of exhaustion or fatigue.
- Drinking too much alcohol
If you drink more than 14 drinks per week, you are a heavy drinker. However, some experts say that no amount of alcohol is safe for erections. Alcohol acts as a testosterone killer as it reduces the T levels and raises estrogen levels.
When drunk, the body prioritizes flushing alcohol out of the system. It is also suggested that alcoholism may permanently damage fertility by destroying testicle cells. If you must drink, balance is critical.
- Control the sweet tooth
The American Heart Association suggests 36 grams as the maximum sugar intake a man should consume. Sugar is never good for cardiovascular health, and it also reduces testosterone levels. As per a study, 75 grams of sugar intake led to men belonging to the age group 19-74 have 25% lesser testosterone levels.
Sugar also turns off the neurons that keep one alert so, the better way to treat the sweet tooth is to stick to fruits for natural sources of sugar. Fruits usually have limited sugar content as compared to added sugar levels in baked foods and sodas.
The three giant meals of the day
If you like to eat large meals, especially meals that have high carbs and sugar, the chances are you also like to take a nap afterwards. This raises blood sugar levels, and then the body pumps insulin which in turn makes one feel more tired.
Try eating more frequently in small quantities rather than sticking to three larger than life meals. 4-5 smaller meals full of protein and carbs like oats, quinoa and vegetables will do the body good.
Going vegan
Vitamin D deficiency certainly brings bad news for the penis because it is said that “Lack of D is the risk of ED. Nitric Oxide is needed for blood vessels to function flawlessly and for the body to produce enough of it.
Vitamin D from plant-based food might not be enough if you are not eating animal-based products like milk, tuna, salmon, eggs and cheese. Another important source of Vitamin D is sunlight. Doctors suggest that for peak penis health, one should take up to 2000 to 5000 IU of vitamin D3 daily.
Remember that diet can be fine-tuned for robust sexual health by keeping a check on what, how much and how often one eats. Keep energy levels, blood vessels, and cardiovascular functions intact up to keep sex life on track.
Medically reviewed by Rishabh Verma, RP

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