Valentine's day is around the corner, and it is time you answer the elephant in the room-sex! Read through this article to find five essential questions that you need to focus on and tips that help reignite that bedroom excitement.

Q1 How frequently you have sex?

There is a famous saying regarding sex-use it or lose it! As per research,  the more sex you have, the more you desire it. Even a study done by a  Japanese University stated that people who had not had sex for a year had a high chance of never having it again. However, this does not mean that you get laid every day. According to the University of Toronto,  the happiest partners have sex somewhere between once to thrice a week.

So to keep your sexual life fulfilling, try having sex as frequently as possible. Having regular orgasms sets up a craving cycle, and within a couple of weeks, the body automatically expects and want a more regular sexual encounter.

Q2 How healthy is your lifestyle?

According to a study by the University of Chicago, men who have good health and have a decent fitness level are twice as likely to be interested in sex and more likely to have a satisfying sexual life.

We have already entered the second month of 2021. It's high time you embark on that long-waited fitness journey. Go solo or team up with your better half to achieve your goals of getting fitter and eating healthier food and boost your energy levels to make sex more fun and less of a chore.

Q3 Do you take your phone to bed?

Studies done at Cambridge University clearly show that using phones, tablets, and other blue light devices in bed or before sex kills the mood.  Lead by Professor David Spiegelhalter, the study further stated that screen time rise meant people are never bored and thus have less sex.

Banning technology from the bedroom is the key to keeping your relationship happy. Charge your devices overnight in a room downstairs, and use a proper alarm clock rather than your phone. Having a screen-free bedroom will help you talk and reconnect with your partner on both emotional and physical levels.

Q4 Are you feeling the pressure?

The brain is a vital sexual organ, and when you feel stressed or worry, it knocks-off the level of libido and leaves an apparent effect in the bedroom. It' is vital to talk about it to your partner or anyone you are comfortable with. The only way to tackle stress is by accepting you are facing one and finding ways to relieve it. Take a long walk, enjoy a scented bath, or ask your partner to give you a soothing and romantic massage. Just relax and release the pressure and feel your sexual life improving.

Q5 Do you know about your sexual health?

Sexual health is essential because it enables people to take charge of their reproductive health and emotional well-being surrounding their intimate relationships. Having good sexual health improves a person's quality of life, physical and mental health and helps them enjoy intimacy to the fullest.

There are many ways to ensure your sexual health, like- proper education, safety, communication with doctors, etc. Another great thing you can do to keep track of your sexual health is taking our sex quiz. Misters Sex Quiz is an interactive questionnaire that gives you insights about your overall sexual health, highlight possible future sexual issues, if any, and provides you with trusted solutions.