While the male birth control is still on its way, couples have a minimal option but to depend on the female birth control and condoms to prevent unwanted pregnancies. Now, leaving apart condoms, how much knowledge do men have about female birth control? Blame it on sex education or the lack of interest or knowledge, when it comes to female birth control, as per a recent survey, men have more myths around the same than facts! This survey, which was conducted by the online pill company Pill Club in collaboration with online market research company AYTM, found the following surprising myths that even today men have regarding female birth control!
Myth: Birth control usually doesn’t require a prescription:
In the survey, more than half the number of men, that is 52% of them either didn’t know whether a prescription is needed or thought it was not required for a birth control pill. But in reality, for every type of contraception, be it estrogen-based birth control pills, or IUDs or the patch or shot, a prescription is a must. Generally, only progestin-only birth control pills are available over the counter without a prescription.
Myth: There can be no accidents with birth control pills:
40% of men thought that birth control pills are 100% effective. Unfortunately, that’s not the case. A hormonal birth control pill is generally considered around 99% effective if taken meticulously. But since chances are high that sometimes a dose might be missed or there might be a mismatch of the timings, they are only 91% effective in preventing unwanted pregnancies! Rather, no birth control is 100% effective, so sometimes being doubly sure like using a condom and pill both makes more sense!
Myth: Men are aware of different birth control options:
Unfortunately, 30% of men were not even aware of the various forms of female birth control available apart from pills! There are various forms of female birth control, like the internal condom, IUD, or rings. Now here, you cannot blame men entirely because a lack of knowledge also highlights a lack of proper information regarding the same. Since not everyone is eager to google things, it would be better if some can be included in sex education as well.
Myth: She is already on birth control:
As per the survey, 80% of men believed before having sex, that she was already on birth control! Now mister, when you know that every sexual encounter can lead to a potential pregnancy, how can you be so sure that your partner is already on birth control? It’s a big-time myth that if a situation is leading you to have sex with a woman, she would already be on birth control. Rather, she might be completely banking on you for safe sex (condom). So definitely before taking off your pants or lifting her skirt, ask her about birth control for sure!
Myth: Emergency Contraception is same as abortion pill:
With 32% of men believing that the emergency contraception pill is an abortion pill, there needs to be more awareness created around the same. An emergency contraception pill or, as you call it, plan B pill works by blocking ovulation in itself, thereby preventing an unwanted pregnancy from taking place. It will not be effective if pregnancy has already taken place or is in process. An abortion pill, on the contrary, is usually taken after pregnancy is confirmed, to terminate an unwanted pregnancy, by inducing miscarriage.
Myth: Birth Control pills for men are a welcome option:
Unfortunately, even with the male birth control almost there, 63% of men were either sure that they would not take it or unsure whether they would take it or not! A similar survey which was done by the website Healthline further backs up this data, with only 31% of respondents agreeing to take a pill daily to stop sperm production. This negative approach by men is also one of the reasons why it is taking so long for male birth control to hit the shelves. Of the men who denied taking one, around 40% said they didn’t want to take it because they didn’t want it to affect their bodies! Now that’s pretty selfish because that’s exactly what women have been doing for the past 60 years, right? If sex is equally fun for both, then so should be the responsibility to prevent pregnancy!
Medically reviewed by Rishabh Verma, RP