It is common that everybody watches porn, heating up yourself and going naughty in bed. It is neither a secret nor a topic to discuss outwardly. Websites of pornos are among the top 10 websites of the country every year. For a fact, Pornhub reported that it usually gets 20+ billion visits every year.
People love watching porn, but any idea how it can impact if you are addicted or used to it before spicing things with your partner? There are surveys and researches done on this case, and a few of them show that watching porn has linked to decreased relationship satisfaction with their partners, especially for the guys as a result.
In addition to it, we found out about the analysis of over 50,000 people published in Human Communication Research journal. After certain studies and surveys made, scientists found out that men who watch porn tend to be dissatisfied and unhappy with their love lives compared to those who don’t watch porn. However, there is no specific evidence yet to claim the same.
Please note, we don’t claim that watching porn would lead to unhappy men in their love life. We are conveying that men who watch porn could likely be miserable in their relationships.
“Men might use porn as a coping mechanism as a response to sexual and emotional issues within the relationship,” says a clinical psychologist who specializes in sexual issues, Dr David Ley, PhD.
“We live in a society where watching porn is a social stigma, and many men feel like they have to hide it from their partners,” says New York sex therapist, Dr Ian Kerner, PhD.
Both experts highlight the fact that men can use porn and be happy in their love life. “It’s perfectly possible for a man to be able to enjoy masturbating while watching porn and fantasizing and also, still involve in a healthy relationship with their partner and have sex,” Dr Kerner explains it further.
“Sometimes, watching porn triggers you, making it more likely to initiate and be interested in partnered sex,” says Dr Ley.
If you like watching porn, then talk to your partner. Explain what you feel and what watching porn means to you and what doesn’t. If you open up your feelings, then your partner too will understand you. Watching porn need not be a big issue at all if you and your partner are cool with it. The primary factor in a relationship is trust. If your trust factor is intact, then nothing can hinder it. Generally, men who love watching porn before gaming up on bed think twice before confessing their fantasies and desires to their partner. Also, women feel insecure when they know that porn is what arouses their partner and not them. These vulnerable feelings bring a gap between partners. In such cases, both of you should talk it out, speak about your feelings and draw a solution together. This would not just pave the way for your kinky desires, but would also make you secure as a couple.
So, overall, experts say porn use does not mean your relationship is in trouble provided, both the partners in the relationship are okay with it and take it positively. Dr Kerner adds, “I have seen many couples adding porn into their lives with great positive results”.
It all depends on you and your partner. It would be beneficial if you both are on the same adventurous journey. Else, it would cause problems. Before getting into a serious commitment, we suggest you open up with your better half and talk about everything that you feel and like.