Surprised! Isn't it? Yes, it's right. Watching porn increases T levels in men.
Well, we know porn sites are banned, and even before it got banned, porn websites were among the top 10 sites on the internet that ranked higher in terms of traffic as compared to Wikipedia, Instagram, or Twitter. People still find ways to land on a porn website to enjoy, and usually, nobody cares that whether it has any effect on your testosterone levels or not?
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Testosterone is an important hormone for men and their masculinity. The more the testosterone levels, the more manly or masculine you will be. The body produces this as much as it needs. You have to ensure it is balanced, and if you are an athlete or a fitness freak, you have to take extra care. If you don't keep a tap, then all those muscles or six packs you have built or probably want to build will go for a toss.
The real question, is watching porn help for people who are into fitness, or does it help boost testosterone levels?
Numerous researches have been done to evaluate the levels of testosterone and other hormones. Studies were conducted on people by showing them video clips and pictures of happy couples, funny videos, and adult videos. They kept a check of their hormone levels, and their physical performance was evaluated. A similar study was conducted on 12 athletes. They were shown pornographic videos, both romantic and aggressive, in nature before performing three rep squat max. The results turned out to be interesting.
Watching porn actually boosted their testosterone levels. But watching aggressive video clips had a slightly different impact, the T levels decreased, and the cortisol levels increased. The subjects said that they felt more energetic and active.
When the subjects were asked to do three rep maxes and squats, those who watched porn felt an improvement in their workout.
One more study conducted with 20 men, subjected to watch full-length porn, had a whopping increase by 35% in their testosterone levels. The T levels began to increase approximately 15 minutes after starting to watch and went on a peak an hour later. This shows how the anxiety increased in motivating the hormones and reduced the feeling of exhaustion.
What should be your take on this?
80% of the studies show a positive impact on testosterone levels. Watching porn is a better option than those synthetic testosterones, which will gradually decrease your natural testosterone production in your body and even kill it later. Though it will not provide the same gain as the steroid needles, it is still a safer option overall. Next time when you are packing up for your gym, remember there are more ways to increase your testosterone than those steroids.
Being fit not just requires working out hard, but it also needs you to maintain a healthy lifestyle, consuming a balanced diet, and keeping a stress-free mind. Do not let any of this hamper you.

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Medically reviewed by Rishabh Verma, RP