Men can be notoriously inaccurate in estimating their time during the performance that truly satisfies them, Premature Ejaculation (PE) can become unsettling when you do not find yourself fulfilling your partner’s needs. Let’s accept the fact, PE can happen to as high as 30% of men. Over 80% of the men suffering from PE who have been clinically identified, see the condition to be highly impacting their relationships with their respective partners.
All publications based on previously conducted clinical studies point to one direction, Men with PE are often psychologically distressed. Anxiety, depression, lack of sexual confidence, poor self-esteem, and others are some damaging behavioral impact that PE brings along. All of this work together to impair your quality of life, sexual satisfaction, and interpersonal relationship.
It is surprising that only a handful of men truly seek treatment to bring improvement. Less turn out becomes one of the main barriers in recognizing the situation. Either they accept the fact, talk about it, seek help or just distract themselves away from sex. They do it to protect themselves from the awkwardness of sexual activities that PE may bring to them. Many starts living with the guilt of letting their partners down. The increased volume of pharmacological research in this direction has helped experts bring treatments of PE.
PE doesn’t just impact men and their partners but, it also negatively impacts a single man who is trying to make a new relationship. Every human is different and so are their needs. Men have been found reluctant to seek treatment but on the contrary men who have reached their clinical experts to get help have been able to get rid of PE symptoms. There are orally administered and short-acting solutions such as topical anesthetic lotions that delay ejaculation and thereby increase the level of satisfaction. Many physicians are not informed about the distress that PE reflects in your behavior and mental well being. Hence, your physician might ask you questions related to your sexual function.
Don't let PE impact you psychologically! Overcome the barriers and seek treatment.
We cannot deny the negative implication of human psychology associated with PE. Across studies, the results have been clearly suggesting men or couples for minimal counseling. There are well-designed therapies and solutions that have helped men with PE to overcome the symptoms. You must talk about PE with your partner and work on it together. Encourage each other to seek help. This is the foremost visible barrier that is stopping you to get treatment.
Crossing this barrier will open an opportunity window for you and your partner. Only a clinical diagnosis of PE can confirm this widely spread sexual disorder. A physician can prescribe therapy that works explicitly for you after the diagnosis. Depending on your situation, on-demand solutions may be administered to you. During therapy, you must disclose your thoughts, behavior, functions, and outcomes. Patient-reported outcomes really help in advancing the studies on the subject. However, this itself acts as another barrier since often outcomes are not aptly reported to the therapist.
You may be distressed because of PE, as a matter of fact, you are still functional and able to have as well as give an orgasm. Seek help from an expert to bash any noticeable problem which is bothering you.