Excessive hair loss is a severe indication of illness. Hair is an integral part of your appearance, and you should take good care of it. A lot of factors add on to your hair loss, be it vitamin deficiency, internal illness, water, pollution or simply due to how you maintain them. The primary factor you should consider is how frequently you are losing hair and in how much quantity!?
Hair loss of around 50 to 100 strands every day is common. Winters tend to enhance your hair loss too, and that's normal. If you shed more than this amount, primary factors could be that you are recovering from an illness, going through any treatment, a lot of stress, or maybe just because you shower with hard water. If these aren't the case, then you should definitely consult a dermatologist.
Hair loss is mostly due to iron or vitamin deficiency, or due to some genetic issues. Baldness is a nightmare for everyone. According to NHS (National Healthcare System), in the UK, 50% of men experience baldness at the age of 50. Male pattern baldness may show its effect in men as early as when they are around 20s, with a receding hairline, followed by thinning of hair around temples and crown. Women experience something similar, mostly after or when they are nearing menopause.
Generally, hair loss is temporary, and soon, the follicles will regrow, and your locks will return. But sometimes, hair loss is one of the primary indications of a severe health problem. Let's discuss the three common severe conditions which you must be aware of:
Also referred to as an underactive thyroid gland, this is a condition in which your thyroid gland doesn't produce enough hormones. The common symptoms are hair loss, weight gain, depression, and tiredness. According to NHS, it affects 15 in every 1000 women and 1 in every 1000 men.
It is one of the dangerous health conditions anyone can have. Though hair loss is commonly a result of chemotherapy, certain hair loss conditions indicate a different type of cancer. For example, Hodgkin's lymphoma is one of the rarest deadly diseases that includes a lot of side-effects like fatigue, fever, swelling of lymph nodes around the neck, armpit, severe headaches along with hair loss.
Hair loss is one of the first signs shown in people who have Lupus. It is an autoimmune disorder where the body attacks itself causing severe fatigue and joint pain. Hair sheds in patches for people who suffer from Lupus. It is not only responsible for hair loss on your head, but you may also experience hair thinning in your beard, eyebrows, eyelashes and other body hair.
Prevention is always better than cure. Keep yourself protected from the harsh weather conditions and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Add a balanced diet and daily exercise in your routine to keep yourself fit and further away from any possible health issues. Hair loss can be treated with the right medication and diagnosis, only when you change your lifestyle for good.