First things first, here's the film:
So, at 00:17 in the film, penetration happens.
At 00:29 ejaculation has happened and the lion is now withdrawing.
Intercourse has therefore lasted for less than, or equal to, (00:29 - 00:17 = 00:12)
12 seconds!
And this is not abnormal. Not premature.
In fact, in the ape in the jungle stage of our evolution, quick ejaculation probably conferred an advantage on the species because around our ancestors would be various predators, and shorter intercourse may mean greater likelihood of successful meeting of sperm and egg. In other words, shorter intercourse may have correlated with greater procreation. More genes going forward. Evolutionary success.
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Let this not be conflated, however, after watching lion sex with an argument against pleasure. Pleasure matters. Pleasure matters a lot. And premature ejaculation can definitely be pleasure reducing.
Therefore, while it is good to recognize premature ejaculation as a problem, to be solved, one needs to be wary of those who would define it as a disease to be treated.
Also read: 7 myths about Premature Ejaculation busted!
Natural tendency to ejaculate quickly
But how long does it take to ejaculate? In nature, the tendency is rather to ejaculate quickly. Coitus does not exceed one minute in all animals, including primates. The explanation is simple: coitus is a time when partners are in a vulnerable situation compared to predators. Hence, a coitus of five to seven seconds in the lion sex video.
In fact, if you remember the web series Mirzapur, the concept of lion sex and their high copulation rates was highlighted there.
So, is it better 50 times for a duration of 10 seconds or just 1 time for a longer duration? We’d say it depends on personal preference. Just like size is not a major issue for many partners, premature ejaculation can be addressed too. If you please your partner through foreplay and cunnilingus, the pressure of lasting longer can be reduced.
Unrealistic expectations
When does "early" turn into "too soon"? Men who consider themselves to be fast ejaculators ejaculate on average in less than three minutes. Among them are men who ejaculate before any penetration. For many men who last longer, ejaculation occurs in an average of seven to nine minutes.
These benchmarks are important for doctors, to know if, behind the complaint expressed by the patients, there would not be surrealistic expectations. Men indeed come to consult complaining of an ejaculation which occurs after 20 minutes because their partner finds that it goes too quickly, that they have heard a friend who affirms that his sessions last two hours or that they have porn films as benchmarks.
How to deal with premature ejaculation?
Most guys don't suffer from the pressure girls put on them, they actually suffer from the pressure they put on themselves in this situation. And we understand that, because this problem is often seen as a kind of questioning of manhood.
But remember that at the dawn of humanity, ejaculating quickly was a quality just like from the video of lion sex. Indeed, we were vulnerable to predators when we had sex. Finishing quickly therefore lengthened life expectancy.
In short, prefer not to make a drama of it. Take good care of your partner with your tongue and fingers and she won't blame you if this happens to you. If so, make love to her again as soon as you feel able!
Does using a condom help to delay ejaculation?
This can help because the condom, especially if it is a little thick, comes as a bulwark against the sensitivity at the level of the frenulum, just under the glans, and it helps to ejaculate more slowly. Moreover, some condoms are designed to have thicker heads in order to limit the sensations. Condoms also come with desensitizing gels that help you last longer.
Kegel exercises for men
These exercises are designed to strengthen the pelvic floor and help treat premature ejaculation in a natural way effectively. They help enhance sexual performance by helping men last longer without any supplements or support.
Regularly practicing Kegel exercises strengthens the pelvic floor muscles which support the bladder and thus are linked with male sexual performance. Men with urinary incontinence trouble are also advised to practice Kegel exercises to prevent any troubles associated with this disorder. You can practice these exercises anytime, anywhere.
Studies also suggest that pelvic floor muscle strengthening is one of the most natural, innovative and affordable way to address problems of premature ejaculation.
However, it is important to understand the location of these muscles in your pelvic floor. For this, try stopping the flow of urine. The muscles that feel the impact at this point are the ones you need to target during Kegel exercises.
We suggest you start slow. During the first 2-3 days, contract your pelvic floor muscles for 3 seconds and release. Repeat this 10 times. For the next level, contract these muscles for up to 10 seconds and not more. You can increase the duration from 3-10 seconds week by week. Perform this exercise 3-6 times a day several times with ten repetitions each time. Do this continuously until you notice improvements in your ejaculation time.
Other Natural Remedies to Stop Premature Ejaculation
Natural treatments for premature ejaculation mean organic foods or herbal remedies or even supplements. You can use these natural treatments if you want a natural solution to your premature ejaculation. (Read: Foods that can help cure premature ejaculation)
The remedies listed help with sexual hyperactivity, which is an important precursor to premature ejaculation.
Natural Ashwagandha: This herb is a popular solution for sex related issues found in Ayurvedic treatment. This herb appears to be an extremely practical remedy for men who have difficulties such as erectile dysfunction and for delaying ejaculation. It works by normalizing the libido, helps maintain erection during intercourse, without over-arousal preventing it from lasting long enough.
Creams and gels: There are different types of delay sprays, premature ejaculation creams, oils and gels that help last longer. Using these treatments can provide quick relief, but the results are not permanent. For example, you can apply desensitizing sprays or creams to your penis 10-20 minutes before having sex. You will quickly feel a sensation of numbness in your penis, so it is no longer so hypersensitive.
Other options: Some well-known penile exercises include Kegel exercises, compression techniques, Jelqing methods, and relaxation.
To Conclude
If you feel you suffer from this problem, surely there are solutions and you can click here to explore those. But remember, premature ejaculation does not mean that there is something intrinsically wrong with you. Getting that right in the mind is often the best first step you can take towards a solution.