We love our hair. The gleaming, healthy strands are the virtue of healthy people taking good care of their bodies and hair. Some of us have to deal with hair problems, which is very distressing. Hair loss is not a disease; it is more likely a report card of your lifestyle and health issues. It often leads to stress, which aggravates the problem. Nutritional imbalances play a considerable role in hair growth. Some essential minerals are required in a lesser amount but play an imperative role in maintaining a healthy state of hair.
Magnesium is one such mineral present that regulates numerous enzymatic reactions in our body. Studies have shown the distinctive benefits of magnesium chloride for our hair.
Magnesium, along with calcium, sodium, and fluoride, forms the inorganic mineral content, namely hydroxyapatite, that constitutes bone and imparts the strength and resilience required for its physiologic roles. It also regulates hormones and cardiac rhythm and reinforces the immune system. The beneficial effects of magnesium chloride are-
- Remove excess calcium from Hair Follicles
Magnesium synergistically acts with Vitamin D and potassium and absorbs calcium in the body and removes excess deposits of calcium on the tiny blood vessels on the scalp. This improves blood circulation and restores the healthy state of hair follicles.
- Makes your scalp dandruff-free
Magnesium oil does wonder to your scalp. Pamper your hair with a lukewarm magnesium oil that will deeply penetrate the pores on the scalp and removes the excess calcium and improves blood flow to the follicles
- Reduces inflammation
Hair loss can be a symptom of any underlying condition or any autoimmune disorder. Chronic inflammation damages the hair follicles, and supplementation with magnesium keeps inflammation at bay.
- Maintains hormonal balance
Excess calcium can mess up with your thyroid level causing metabolic imbalances and dis-regulate several other vital functions, including excessive hair loss. Oral magnesium supplements uphold calcium levels and effectively remove free radicals.
- Prevents premature graying
With low levels of magnesium, calcium is unable to re-absorbs and start getting deposited. This also affects protein synthesis and melanin formation. This means the crazed out calcium is causing hair loss and premature graying. Magnesium here plays a pivotal role in the down-regulation of calcium and upregulation of protein and melanin.
We adore our hair. Before stressing out ourselves and causing more self-damage, we should seek professional help. The good thing is Magnesium chloride itself calms your nerves and gives you a peaceful sleep. Magnesium can be added in various ways in your hair care regime. Focus on a magnesium-rich diet. Wheat, spinach, quinoa, and avocado are loaded with magnesium. Marketplace or pharmacies are stocked up with magnesium oil, sprays, or serum. Derma-rollers help to stimulate the cell of the scalp, followed by magnesium tonic or elixir. It has been proven beneficial even on receding hairline. However, magnesium has certain side effects. One such is diarrhoea. Depending on the severity and expert advice, you may take magnesium supplements along with other micronutrients. It needs to be done routinely as it will gradually show results.
Medically reviewed by Rishabh Verma, RP