Ice cream, the delicious, popular chocolate called After Eight and a strong lemon mojito- all become a little less mundane and a little more exciting with a dash of good quality mint. Whether it is used in toothpaste or in the form of candy so that your mouth smells great before your first kiss, it is an ingredient recognized and appreciated by most. It’s lesser known benefits, however, lie in the availability of hair treatment options it throws open for men and women alike. Hairgrowth pack for men
Hair Growth Pack for Men from tackles hair loss by improving scalp health and encouraging hair regrowth.

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When I say mint, I mean peppermint. With it’s cooling menthol effects, small lance-shaped leaves and that distinct aroma. You know what I’m talking about.

If we speak about skin, rubbing menthol on it causes blood vessels to expand, correcting various damaged parts of it. In a similar manner, when applied on your head, it improves the scalp’s blood circulation, creating the optimal environment for hair growth and regeneration.

Not only this, for hair that thins out or more serious hair diseases like male pattern baldness and Androgenic Alopecia, try using this simple, easy to follow home remedy. Mix a tablespoon of coconut oil (better if it is virgin) with a few drops (10-12) of mint oil. Make sure to divide your hair into numerous sections to ensure better application of the mixture and gently massage it directly onto your scalp. The roots of your hair will then absorb it once you let it rest overnight. Wash your hair the next morning and use this remedy around twice a week for best results.

Mint consists of exceedingly high amounts of carotene and antioxidants that eradicate dandruff and lice. In addition, its antifungal and antimicrobial properties fight hair infections and other issues such as a dry or itchy scalp. If any Mister suffers from an oily scalp, try mixing camphor and lemon juice with grinded mint leaves, apply it onto your head for about 20 minutes and wash it off with your trusted shampoo and conditioner.

Moreover, keep in mind that there are always two sides to the same story, if not more. For example, diabetics, children below the age of 7, men suffering from a hernia or those being treated for blood pressure are not advised to use this Ayurvedic herb. Make sure to achieve that healthy scalp the right way by consulting a medical professional or specialist before commencing any dosage. Hairgrowth pack for men
Hair Growth Pack for Men from tackles hair loss by improving scalp health and encouraging hair regrowth.

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Medically reviewed by Rishabh Verma, RP
