Rein in all the sexual innuendos, euphemisms, aubergine emoji and other random imagery that just popped in your head because we are going to talk about penises today. The locker room talk of the phallus has been a topic of debate and rigorous discussion amongst both men and women. So, get your scoreboards out ladies and gentlemen because we are going to add our 2 cents on the debate of whether the size of the penis matter during sex.
Cold hard facts
1. According to a Journal of Urology, the average penis size of men around the world is 3.5 inches when flaccid and 5.1 to 5.6 inches when erect. Which means that men can stop comparing their junk to that of the porn stars because, news flash, you are all not supposed to be hung like that.
2. Confidence is the key. There is nothing sexier than a man who wears confidence for cologne. If you know what you’re doing in the bedroom, then we highly doubt your woman is whipping out a ruler at the sight of your penis. Sex is like a sensual dance which you can make as comfortable and enjoyable or as insufferable and awkward.
3. Redefining masculinity: Chest beating, snarling and domineering barbarian men is not the measure of masculinity anymore. The size of your penis does not justify your manhood. A kind, respectful, emotionally intelligent man is the need of the hour. At the end of the day, a Neanderthal belongs to the museum of history, and not the bed of a lady.
4. Learn to use what you’ve got: Boohoo, maybe you got the shorter end of the stick, or perhaps you got the bigger end of the stick. But what good the length of a stick does if you don’t know how to use it. Learn your way around the tool you’ve got; after all, Shakespeare said, the world is your stage. Practise away (safely)!
5. The orgasm gap: The wage gap and gender gap were not enough that the world fired another shot the women’s way. The orgasm gap is a real thing, people. A study examining 800 college students revealed that approximately 39% of women and 91% of men experience orgasm during sex. Shocking, right? So, guys stop worrying about the size of your penis and start worrying about whether or not you’re giving an actual proper orgasm to your partner.
6. Insecurity is not the new black: If you are insecure about the size of your penis, then it will automatically reflect on your performance. A study published in the British Journal of Urology revealed that 85% women were content with the size of their partner’s penis, whereas 45% men believed that they had a small penis, which was not the case. The size of the penis doesn’t even matter to most of the women. Shed that layer of insecurity and accept yourself the way you are.
To conclude, we rest our case with this automobile analogy: remember that hatchbacks and sedans are both useless for people who don’t know how to drive.

References: 1. Wessells, H., Lue, T. F., McAninch, & J. W. (1996, September). Penile length in the flaccid and erect states: guidelines for penile augmentation [Abstract]. The Journal of Urology, 156(3), 995-997 2. Wylie, K. R., & Eardley, I. (2007, March 12). Penile size and the 'small penis syndrome.' British Journal of Urology International, 99(6), 1,449-1,455 3.