As mentioned in ancient scripts of Vedic literature, our body is a composition of 7 essential dhatus. Rasa (fluid), rakta (blood), asthi(bones), meda(fat), maasa(muscles), majja(marrow/nerve) and shukra (reproductive tissue/semen).
These seven dhatu (popularly known as body tissues) being an integral bond in the framework of body becomes the sites to doshas when diseases enter the body.
Among these dhatu, semen or shukra dhatu is the root for the quality the eggs and fluids that float along. Present in both men and women, shukra plays a major role in the fertility of a human being.
Hence, to maintain healthy fertility lets understand shukra better as a dhatu and site for doshas.
What is Shukra?
In layman language, universally shukra is often applied as male sperm, however, as defined in vedic literature, shukra is the entire process of semen makeup.
Sometimes two different terms are also used to define female and male seeds. Equivalent to shukra for ovum the term used is, Artava. But artava also refers to a product made of rasa dhatu, which is menstrual blood. Hence describing both male and female see as shukra, is the best way to do it.
How Shukra affects your personality?
Shukra, the word in itself means being an essence of something. To make something bright, radiant and pure. According to Ayurveda, healthy shukra in a person (male or female) can bring out a visible radiance in eyes and skin. Makes you shine with the brightness of confidence.
An individual who is quite sensitive will easily perceive this radiance, however, others may look at it as a glaze. To be precise, healthy shukra makes one feel confident and strong from inside, without any materialist add ons.
Psychology and shukra dhatu
On a psychological level, it is not wrong to say that shukra dhatu affects the ability of creativity. When your body is composed of healthy shukra dhatu your natural creative instinct stays sustained and enhances the ability to take this creativity to its results.
People with shukra deficiency may still have the creative instinct but they will face difficulty in maintaining their interest to take it through the completion. On the other hand, when you have an excess of this dhatu, your instincts towards creativity can get completely blocked.
These two psychologies are known as vata psychology and kapha psychology respectively. In the deficiency of shukra, vata gets affected. While in excess shukra situation kapha becomes vitiated.
Shukra dhatu and it’s evaluation
The direct and proper way of evaluating health of shukra dhatu in men is via examination of the ejaculate. The main factors taken into consideration are volume, colour, motility and sperm count.
Examining volume and colour can be easily done with naked eyes. For count and motility, the sperm sample needs to be observed microscopically.
When we talk about the colour of the sperm grey shade defines predominance of vata, while pale white is an indication of kapha. If the colour of the sperm is yellowish it indicates pitta, which means more heat to push passion in creative pursuits.
A normal sperm count with low motility is a sign of kapha imbalance in the body. A low motility with low sperm count reveals vitiation of both vata and pitta.
Treatment of shukra dhatu
Incorrect lifestyle and diet are the major causes that dry out shukra dhatu and other related fluids. Which eventually results in infertility. Also, suppressing the sexual desire for a long time can damage shukra motility and volume.
Hence, to maintain a healthy shukra production in the body, both proper sexual energy management and correct nourishment is essential.
In most cases damage to shukra dhatu is caused by vata vitiation, for which tonification is the most common treatment. However, if the problem is caused due to excessive dhatu quantity (kapha vitiation), proper purification is the only solution.
To tonify shukras, herbs like shukralas or vajikaranas are best. While shukralas enhance the semen growth, vajikaranas build sexual energy..