Did you know that your baldness could be directly linked to having heart disease? Male pattern baldness has a direct connection with a higher risk of heart disease. According to a finding of a new study published in BMJ Open, it can prove to be fatal in the long run. This study also highlighted that a receding hairline is not a sign of elevated heart disease risk.

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The study also laid extensive focus on the area of baldness, and how it could relate to the heart disease risk. Basically, if you are losing hair from the crown of your head, you need to take note and be careful of your stress levels and anything else which might trigger a heart-related problem.

Baldness, as a physical ailment, progresses with age; it affects 30-40% of men, which rises to about 80% as men reach the age of 80 years. Its not only hereditary but is highly associated with the production of the male hormone, testosterone., which is responsible for balding in men majorly.

Using baldness as a cue to treat heart diseases

Baldness has become an early age visual symptom that links directly to the cause of heart problems. This not only becomes a reason to change your lifestyle but can also help doctors prevent heart issues before they get triggered massively.

Men who went bald before middle age were at 44% higher risk of contracting heart disease. Men who have lost all their hair are at a much higher risk of heart disease and need to make massive amendments to their lifestyle to ensure their heart remains healthy.

Male pattern baldness, or androgenetic alopecia, has been linked to the genetic sensitivity to DHT or dihydrotestosterone. The body’s responses to the presence of this hormone can cause heart diseases, insulin resistance, prostate cell growth, and high blood pressure, amongst other problems.

Linking baldness to heart diseases

Increased levels of testosterone can cause an enlarged prostate. As per a 2015 study, it was proven that men by the age of 45 years, had a 40 percent increased possibility of developing prostate cancer. Men who are prone to having heart diseases; there is a high chance that testosterone is the underlying cause behind it.

While the idea is not to create a wave of panic in bald men, these facts need to be researched more, to arrive at a conclusion. If a lifestyle change is possible, men should move towards consuming a low-fat diet, do regular exercise, and take less stress. Treating baldness with medicines and other methodologies might help you get rid of the social stigma attached to balding, but it will not help your heart get healthier. Whether you wear a wig or are an avid user of minoxidil, chances are blocking your DHT is not going to help your heart, once you turn 40.

For this very reason, it is advised to exercise regularly, avoid smoking, drinking regularly, and indulge in a healthy lifestyle, which will help you reap benefits in your old age.

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Medically reviewed by Rishabh Verma, RP
