Five years ago, my boss (or my business partner) fired me from the job because I didn't agree to his idea of business expansion.
I was jobless for a year, or you can say I lost the trust in myself for taking up any job.
Days passed, and so did months without any work and income.
Friends suggested me to take up an online course on digital marketing as I was into an online business and probably an additional certificate could boost my career. Initially, I was hesitant as I doubted if I would be ever able to complete what I started. However, I did complete the course successfully, and that was the turning point of my life.
Looking at my completion certificate, I regained the confidence that I am capable and can also lead a successful life.
I applied for many jobs with a positive approach and a realistic salary figure in my mind. One company saw my capability and offered me a full-time job.
Today, I wouldn't say I earn as much as my cousins or friends of my age do. But all I can say I have a way of earning an income ethically and I am proud of who I am.
Here I am sharing some tips that helped me overcome the loser attitude in my life:
1) Read motivational stories or books:
When things go wrong, we usually get into the blame game. We blame ourselves or others. I blamed myself for a long time for my failures and inability to live upto the expectations others set on me. But the reality is far different. People set expectations on us because they think we are capable enough to achieve. Some expectations can be a direction towards a good life. Like when I was 25, I was told to think about investing in a property. Well, loans kaha se milega jab job hi nahi hai? So, I started reading rags to riches stories of successful people on the internet. Some fascinating books on simple living, positive thinking by famous authors like Louis Hay, Ruskin Bond were of great help to me.
2) Talk to people who understand you:
Friends, cousins, people of your age who can understand your worries, feelings, emotions and future ideas. They are the ones with whom you should be ideally spending your quality time when you are in a problem. It doesn't mean you avoid talking to your parents and relatives. It only means that when you speak to a person who is willing to listen to you and not just give you advice, you will come up with your own solutions. I am thankful to my friends, who believed in me when I didn't. They encouraged me to think like a champion, and that helped me look at the bright side of my life.
Finally, practice positive affirmations. Every day morning I read things like 'I am wonderful', 'I am doing the best I can' and 'I am good enough'. These simple statements help me rise in love with myself with each passing day and makes me gain confidence in myself progressively.