Sex life is one of the most fragile natural functions. It is very easy to disrupt this operation, and almost any factor can cause disruption. In fact, it turns out that the vast majority of difficulties come not from the actual functioning of the individual, but from the idea that he has of what should be (or not be his sexuality). These are commonly referred to as psychological factors that affect sexual functions.

Sex is a pleasurable activity. But this pleasure may turn into dependence, into obsession, and finally into suffering for some people. How to regain your freedom when sex has become a fixed idea, that you cannot help but want more? Sexual addiction is characterized, on the one hand, by the repeated impossibility of controlling a sexual behavior aiming to bring pleasure or to fight against a feeling of internal discomfort and, on the other hand, by the continuation of this behavior in despite the knowledge of its negative physical, psychological and social consequences. Sexual addiction disorder is more common in late adolescence and young adulthood. More common in men than in women, this pathology progresses according to a clinical cycle, which is relatively similar to that of addiction to psychoactive substances.

It takes a while before men realize that they are victims of sexual addiction or hypersexuality disorder. This behavior can also be risky as an addict can take any risk to fulfill his hyper carnal desires. A study published in the Journal of Medicine found that cognitive-behavioral therapy can help address hypersexual disorder in men.

A popular form of psychotherapy called Cognitive-behavioral therapy (often called CBT) emphasizes the importance of underlying thoughts in determining how we feel and how we act. CBT relies on different techniques that help the patient to identify the mechanisms causing his difficulties, to experiment with new behaviors, and thus gradually break out of vicious circles that perpetuate and worsen mental suffering. Cognitive behavior therapy allows the addict to express themselves freely and to gradually discharge their feelings of shame related to their addictive sexual behavior. Thus, the therapist can evaluate the addictive practice and propose a diagnosis. Depending on the severity of the disorder and the presence of vulnerability and maintenance factors, different therapeutic strategies can be implemented and offered to the patient.

If you observe any symptoms of hypersexuality disorder or find yourself focusing on sex more often, you are not alone. There are many men who are unable to focus on work and personal life due to their hypersexuality. Consulting a therapist or counselor and attending cognitive behavioral therapy sessions can help resolve the issue at an early stage.

Medically reviewed by Rishabh Verma, RP
